Psysical health

Psysical health Essential oils have a proven healing effect on the human body. They give us more than physical health. They give us the knowledge and strength to transform ourselves, our health and our way of life.

The miracle of aromatherapy is that each essential oil with its wide variety of biochemical compounds has specific properties useful for maintaining or restoring the well-being of the body. In addition to their amazing smell, essential oils can help detoxify the body, strengthen its resistance and treat or alleviate a number of health problems.


Strengthen the immune system and fight infections

Many essential oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties and can help prevent and fight viruses and bacteria and provide the necessary energy flow to strengthen the immune system.

The mechanisms by which essential oils affect physical health are:
- strengthening of the natural immunity: they stimulate leukocytes and macrophages (which are part of human innate immunity but also perform the function of antigen-presenting cells which play a significant role in adaptive immunity) and stimulate other processes improving the immune system, increase resistance to infection and support detoxification.
- eliminating pathogenic microorganisms - act antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic. Chemicals found in essential oils, such as terpenes, esters, phenols and ketones, have the potential to eliminate foreign pathogens that cause infections and pose a health threat. Some of the best essential oils for immunity are those of oregano, thyme and mint.

One of the most versatile oils in aromatherapy - oregano essential oil - helps to support and strengthen the immune system, and in the long run to support overall health. It contains the active ingredients carvacol, thymol and caryophyllene, which neutralize free radicals and their harmful effects. The phenols carvacrol and thymol have clinically proven antibacterial action, inhibit the synthesis and growth of many different types of bacteria.

Support respiratory health

There are many essential oils that can help fight colds and flus, relieve coughs, sore throats and nasal congestion. Their calming effect is also useful for body aches, chills, headaches and other symptoms. Some of the essential oils help to unclog the nose and clear the sputum, help to breathe better and deeper, create a feeling of freedom and new opportunities.

Thyme essential oil is indispensable for respiratory problems, the first symptoms of viral infections, as well as more serious conditions such as bronchitis, laryngitis and angina. It is used as an expectorant (mucus dissolving) and decongestant (eliminates swelling), which makes it especially valuable for the treatment of coughs, colds and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Mint essential oil is used as a natural remedy for persistent cough, sinus and bronchial blockage and nasal congestion, as it effectively clears the mucous membranes of the airways and eliminates congestion and at the same time reduces inflammation and soothes the airways. The high concentration of menthol in it makes it an ideal helper for flu and colds. It also has a cooling effect on the skin and relieves headaches.

Oregano essential oil is also valuable for respiratory health, relieving coughs and expelling phlegm that clogs the airways.

Stimulate metabolism in the musculo-skeletal system

The biologically active components in essential oils effectively increase physical activity. They help to cope with muscle pain, warm the muscles, relieve tension, increase flexibility, elasticity and plasticity, strengthen joints and ligaments (type of connective tissue).

Basil essential oil, for example, is a powerful antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, analgesic (painkiller) and is used effectively to treat sports injuries such as bruises and contusions. Due to its analgesic properties, it is widely used in the treatment of painful muscle strains, muscle-, joint-, arthritis- and rheumatic pain, stiff and painful joints, neck and back pain.

Balance hormone levels in the body

Some essential oils directly affect hormonal activity, helping to properly balance levels of estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid hormones and testosterone.

Others have the ability to lower cortisol levels in the body, which helps to improve mood, to relieve and to reduce the symptoms of depression, to increase testosterone levels, which in turn increases male libido. Very often, certain molecules of essential oils "mimic" hormones or activate the endocrine glands associated with their production. For example, the chemical molecules of alpha and beta pinene in oils have a cortisone-like effect and sclereol in sage oil - according to various studies stimulates estrogen.

Help digestion

Another very well-researched benefit of essential oils is their role in helping and improving digestion. Some oils relieve flatulence (bloating), stomach pain, soothe the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, help relaxing muscles and relieving spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some essential oils help digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes, which make it easier to break down food and absorb nutrients, fats and proteins that the body needs.

Winter savory essential oil, for example, is known for its ability to improve the health of the digestive system by reducing abdominal discomfort, stimulating appetite and controlling various stomach ailments. It promotes the secretion of gastric juices and enzymes, which are a key factor for good digestion. Winter savory oil is an excellent remedy for removing gas, relieving spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and destroying intestinal parasites.

Relieve headaches and migraines

Essential oils act as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines because they effectively treat the causes of these conditions, not just their symptoms as painkillers do. Essential oils soothe pain, improve blood circulation and eliminate stress, which can be the main cause of both headaches and migraines.

Mint essential oil, for example, is very valuable in fighting headaches and migraines. It affects the pain, cramps, dizziness and nausea symptoms from severe headaches. Mint essential oil has a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, suppresses muscle contractions and improves blood circulation in the forehead when applied topically.

Health benefits for skin problems

Essential oils can be a great complement to your daily skincare routine. Their powerful regenerative properties help smoothing wrinkles and fine lines, normalizing sebum, balancing the pH of the skin and improving the complexion.

Lavender essential oil, for example, has a strong soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, which makes it a great choice for acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, scars, insect bites, hives, skin irritations and skin inflammation. It promotes regeneration, wound healing processes, soothes the skin which is troubled with redness and burns. Its soothing effect gives gentle caress to even the most sensitive skin. In addition, lavender essential oil is an indispensable ally in the fight against cellulite and has an extremely positive effect on skin elasticity.

Melissa essential oil is an effective remedy against infectious diseases caused by herpes viruses. With timely use, it can prevent the appearance of painful blisters and local symptoms at the site of contact, prolong the intervals between herpes outbreaks and significantly shorten the healing process.

Reduce toxicity

Essential oils help to reduce toxicity by helping to detoxify the body. Some essential oils act as mild diuretics, which means they are increasing urine production and promoting detoxification. Others aid in digestion, which also aids in detoxification processes.

Moldavian dragonhead essential oil, for example, stimulates the natural production of bile by the liver, which helps break down fats and carbohydrates and plays a major role in detoxifying the body. It also optimizes the flow between the gallbladder and liver, it improves liver and digestive function and the health of the body as a whole.

Improve the health of hair and skin

The use of essential oils in skin and hair products is a natural and effective way to maintain their beauty and health. Essential oils can soothe irritated skin, reduce the traces of aging (such as age spots), improve the condition of acne-prone skin, protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, reduce hair loss and thicken hair. The best essential oils for hair and skin are clary sage, lavender, chamomile and sage.

The inclusion of essential oils in our daily lives must be done in a very informed way. Because essential oils are highly concentrated natural products, they are made of a very complex chemical composition and it is recommended to apply them with special care, ideally by consulting an aromatherapist or doctor before use.

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