Organic Greek Oregano - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)

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Price: 9.90 €

Composition: 100% Oregano essential oil

Aroma: Herbal, pungent

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: Leaves

Main benefits:

  • It acts as a natural antibiotic
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • It is used for fungal and skin infections


Oregano essential oil is a powerful natural antibiotic. It shows promising results in the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Used in aromatherapy, oregano oil strengthens the psyche, removes mental exhaustion and fatigue. It is believed to accelerate metabolic processes and contribute to reducing excess weight. The anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and fungicidal properties of oregano essential oil help treat skin infections, insect bites, fungal infections, and parasitic diseases. It can help treat nosocomial infections. It is used in cosmetics for its exceptional anti-aging properties.

Basic chemical components: Carvacrol, Thymol, Para-cymene

Essential mixtures with Оregano oil

Oregano essential oil has a sharp, herbal aroma and is used as a middle note in perfumery. Combines well with thyme, lavender, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon essential oils.

Oregano oil – a little history

Homeland of oregano (Herba Origani) is the Mediterranean, where different varieties are found. The Latin name of the oregano plant is Origanum vulgare. In ancient Greek sources, oregano is recorded as "the herb of the time of Hippocrates." It is known as "oregano", which means "joy of the mountain". Legend has it that oregano was created by Aphrodite herself as a symbol of joy and happiness. The ancient Greeks used it in rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Aphrodite. Another legend associates oregano with the power of the God Zeus, who as a baby was raised by a nymph on the Greek island of Crete.

The mountain gorges of the island were dotted with the herb. The nymph fed baby Zeus with milk from a goat named Amalfea, who grazed the magic herb. Little Zeus grew up for hours and thanks to the oregano he gained unique strength and power.

The father of medicine Hippocrates prescribed oregano as an antiseptic to treat respiratory and digestive ailments and as a poultice to heal wounds. The Hellenes used oregano as an antidote for a number of poisons and snake and spider bites, and used it widely to treat viral infections, sore throats, and skin conditions.

Oregano is the herb of love, possessing powers equal to magic, able to influence personal relationships and change the course of events. There is a belief that only true lovers risk their lives climbing the steep mountain slopes and deep gorges of the island of Crete to collect bouquets of its pink flowers and present them as symbols of love. The association of oregano with love is also reinforced by the herb's supposed action as a love elixir, or it may be associated with the ancient Greek god of love, Eros. This enchanting legend adds a touch of mystique to the humble oregano plant, highlighting its cultural significance and enduring fascination in history.

It acts as a natural alternative to antibiotics

The main bioactive components in oregano essential oil are the substances thymol and carvacrol. They have a powerful bactericidal effect and can help fight various bacterial infections and diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The carvacrol contained in oregano oil has been shown to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. (Nostro et al., 2004). A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Medicinal Food stated that oregano essential oil "represents an inexpensive source of natural antibacterial substances that show potential for use in pathogenic systems." To benefit from the therapeutic properties of oregano oil, you can make a hot inhalation with 3 to 4 drops for 4-5 minutes; to inhale directly over the aroma-diffuser in which you have dripped the essential oil; rub the chest or massage the feet and ankles with 5 drops of oregano oil and 1 tsp. base oil

Fights candida and fungal overgrowth

Oregano oil acts as a natural fungicide and can be used to treat candidiasis. According to numerous studies, only a small concentration of oregano essential oil is sufficient to destroy all fungi of the genus Candida albicans. Thanks to this strong antifungal activity, the oil is actively used to treat stubborn fungal infections, such as intestinal candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis (thrush) and fungal skin infections. Applied topically, it can treat toenail fungus. Place 1 drop of the oil on a cotton pad, then massage each nail.

Helps prevent and treat viral infections

Oregano essential oil stimulates the immune system and exhibits antiviral properties. It is used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral diseases (such as colds and flu) and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (eg tonsillitis). Thanks to its antiseptic, bactericidal, mucolytic, antispasmodic and anti-edematous activity on the bronchi, the essential oil can relieve bronchospasm and bronchial irritation, clear the bronchi and reduce swelling, thus favoring the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. To purify the air in the room and gently absorb the healthy vapors, add 4 drops for every 100 ml of water in the diffuser and turn on for 1 hour. You can apply oregano oil on the skin for topical action on key areas: chest, throat, sinuses. Add 6 drops to 1 tbsp. carrier oil and apply with a clockwise rubbing motion 3 to 4 times daily.

Improves gastrointestinal health

In 2012, the Journal of Medicinal Food published research that evaluated the antibacterial activity of oregano oil against five different types of harmful bacteria. Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of oregano oil showed significant antibacterial activity against all tested bacterial strains. It has the highest activity against Escherichia coli and Candida albicans, meaning that oregano oil can be used to improve gastrointestinal health and prevent deadly food poisoning.

Cleans mold at home

Oregano essential oil is one of the natural "killers" of mold. Use it as part of your daily whole-house cleaning. Works extremely well at removing mold and musty odors. You can diffuse in the room with mold, as well as make a solution of 1 cup of water and 30 drops of oregano oil in a glass spray bottle and spray on surfaces. You can also add 5 to 7 drops to a homemade anti-mildew and combine with tea tree, lemon, thyme, or lavender oil.

Medical applications of oregano essential oil

A 2010 study found that oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil showed potent antibacterial properties against the bacteria Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, Streptococcus pyogones, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). ), and in some cases very low concentrations of the essential oil are sufficient to prevent microbial growth. A recent study reveals the cosmetic potential of Origanum vulgare essential oil as an anti-aging agent. Its activity is due to its ability to inhibit collagenase, elastase and hyaluronidase enzymes involved in skin aging processes. Interestingly, oregano oil has significantly better anti-aging activity than ascorbic acid.

Due to its high anti-hyaluronidase, anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activity (P < 0.01), it is suggested that it can be used as a natural agent in professional anti-aging face and body products.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the biological activity and potential anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo of oregano essential oil. In vitro antiproliferative activity of the oil was analyzed against human cancer cell lines from four tumor types. HT-29, a colorectal cancer cell line, was the most sensitive to the activity of oregano oil. Prophylactic oral administration of the oil in an experimental BALB/c mouse model inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. The research report shows the antitumor potential of oral administration of oregano oil.

The aim of the research, published in Molecules, was to investigate the cytotoxic, antibacterial and phytotoxic effects of Origanum vulgare essential oil. The results show that oregano oil and its main constituents (thymol and carvacrol) have significant antibacterial activity, moderate phytotoxic effect, promising results against hepatocarcinoma cells and can potentially be used as anticancer therapeutics.

Use for aromatherapy in the bath

- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects

- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints

Basic applications

- Acts as a natural antibiotic

- Stimulates the immune system

- It is used for fungal and skin infections

Healing properties:

- antibacterial

- antivirus

- antimycotic

- antiparasitic

- antioxidant

- immunostimulating

- tonic

SAFETY TIP: Oregano essential oil oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!

Aroma blend to strengthen the immune system

Create your own mixture to strengthen the body's natural defenses and protect against seasonal flu and colds. Mix the oils in a small glass bottle. Use 2 to 5 drops in your aroma diffuser and enjoy the therapeutic qualities of essential oils.


  • 50 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 10 drops of oregano essential oil
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 8 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of essential oil of cloves


Antibacterial hand spray with oregano oil

The preparation of this spray is quite easy and takes only a minute. Mix the ethyl alcohol and the aloe vera gel. Add the essential oils and mix well. You can do it directly in a bottle or bowl (or in a glass jar), then transfer the mixture to a bottle with an atomizer or pump. You can also use oregano essential oil and thyme essential oil together to boost antiviral and antibacterial activity in cleaning sprays and for hands.


  • 2/3 cup ethyl alcohol 70%
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1/4 teaspoon vitamin E (helps soften hands!)
  • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil

Antibacterial hand gel

A great gel that you can use as a supplement to antibacterial hand sprays. Add the essential oil to the aloe vera gel and mix well. Transfer the gel to a tube or even better to a glass jar for cosmetics.


  • 40 ml. Aloe Vera Gel 
  • 4 drops of oregano essential oil


Remedy for wart removal

Are you looking for a natural way to remove a wart? Of course, you can go to a dermatologist, but it can be expensive. Try to get rid of the wart at home using natural remedies.

You will need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 drop of oregano essential oil
  • 2 drops of frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil

In a small bottle combine apple cider vinegar (natural) and essential oil of oregano, lemon and incense. Stir well. Add the coconut oil and stir until you get a homogeneous mixture. Carefully clean the affected area and put a cotton swab, previously dipped in the mixture, on the wart, then carefully cover with a bandage. Use morning and evening for 2 to 3 weeks until the wart decreases or falls off the skin.


  • author
    Мирослава Райчева — 

    Здравейте, бихте ли ми отговорили кои от етеричните масла могат да се приемат за вътрешна употреба (перорално) и по специално маслото от Риган?? БЛАГОДАРЯ,

  • author
    Nasser Bin Omar — 

    I would like to buy. We are resellers My phone +966534236591 Also WhatsApp I need more information

  • author
    Боряна — 

    Лютив, чист и слънчев. Чудесен е ригъна.

  • author
    Gabriela — 

    Innere Anwendung - bisher keine Empfehlung gefunden! Wie genau wird Oreganoöl denn nun eingenommen? Muss es verdünnt eingenommen werden? Kann ich es mit Tee verdünnen? Anwendung für Candida Pilzbehandlung im Inneren gedacht. Bitte hilfreiche Antwort geben, danke. Gabriela

  • author
    Bonner — 

    Habe mir das Öl auf Tipp eines Bekannten hin bestellt und nehme es mit Olivenöl verdünnt mittlerweile regelmäßig ein. Einen Schnupfen hat es bereits bei mir schnell bekämpft und ich habe bisher nur gute Erfahrungen damit gemacht. Im Netz gibt es zahlreiche Anwendungsgebiete und Tipps. Er riecht intensiven und man sollte es niemals unverdünnt anwenden, da es sonst äußerst brennt und reizt. Also bisher rundum positive Erfahrungen hiermit gemacht, auch wenn es teurere gibt, die ich nicht vergleichen kann. Lieferung ging schnell und problemlos. Kann man ohne weiteres bestellen.

  • author
    Miriam van Hooven — 

    Wunderbar natürliches Antibiotikum

  • author
    Anne Collins  — 

    Perfect product! I really enjoy it.

  • author
    Christopher — 

    Absolut empfehlenswert. Ich verwende es bei einer kommenden Krankheit. Bei leichten Halskratzen trinke ich 1-2 Tropfen und gurgele kurz damit.Brennt zwar furchtbar, hilft aber unglaublich. Die Wirkung merkt man ganz eindeudit. Wichtig ist zu beachten, dass man wirklich mit der Dosierung vorsichtig ist,denn es handelt sich um ein hochkonzentriertes 100%ig reines ätherisches Öl. Maximal 2 mal am Tag und nur bei Erwachsenen.

  • author
    L Parr — 

    Nice quality essential oil, reasonable price. I am a certified aromatherapist and I find that more than there should be our oils offered here on Amazon that are not authentic. I found this oil to be of good quality, it past the paper test where I put a drop of oil on paper and come back a couple hours later and it should look like nothing was ever there, fakes will leave a grease stain. This oil passed with flying colors. I like the fact that the oil is organic and for an organic oil, I feel the price is a

  • author
    ChristineMM — 

    This oregano essential oil is great foe using in blends for diffusing. It smells true.

  • author
    Got Influence? — 

    If you're into essential oils at all, you know the value of a quality oregano oil for a variety of uses.This is an excellent addition to the natural health products we use in our household.

  • author
    Steve Schafer — 

    Oregano is known to have many different health benefits. This is a very strong essential oil that I use both topically and internally for added health benefits. Seems like a very well-made product with a company that stands behind their product. Comes in a nice amber glass bottle to help preserve the oil and your typical drip top style. No problem with it leaking during shipment. I like it. Recommended.

  • author
    TRVLR — 

    This was delivered quickly and I'm very pleased with it! It smells great, it's a good value, blends well with other oils and best of all....there was no leakage at all when I received this package. I've received other oils from other sellers in the past that were half empty due to leakage...that was not a problem here. I definitely recommend!

  • author
    Lisa M — 

    I really only use essential oils in my diffuser, so I can't really speak to the effectiveness of this oil as far as anything other than scenting my home, I can say the fragrance is much lighter than I was expecting and that's ok, because I was concerned my house would smell like an Italian resturant all the tine.I can say that I have heard oregano oil is good for sinus issues and I have tried sleeping while using this and I do feel a little clearer than usual, but I have never used it on my body for any oth

  • author
    Debbie — 

    I received a 10ml bottle of undiluted, pure Oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil. The bottle has a plastic reducer/dropper orifice to control dosage. This essential oil is grow and made in Bulgaria. I assume it's steam-distilled, but they don't say on the bottle or package insert. It smells a little different than my previous oregano EO, but that may just be due to the different locations that the plants were grown. It smells like I'd expect from a pure essential oil. As they point out, dilute this oil

  • author
    kindred spirit — 

    I sniff this bottle everyday before going out and when I get home. Don't touch it to nose just sniff it. Also use in diffuser. Have been doing it for a few years. So far so good.

  • author
    Heather — 

    I received this oregano EO through the Amazon Vine Voice program.This is superb in quality, and I am happily combining this with a unique set of oils for my skincare & soap formulations. Just a lovely oil to use and formulate with ~ Highly recommend :)

  • author
    Love My Bookish Life — 

    Essences Bulgaria Oregano Essential Oil 100% pure, undulated, therapeutic grade…???? Nicely packaged with a drop top dispenser The Amber glass bottle protects the oil from the harmful rays of light.???? The fragrance is amazing, smells incredible and is super concentrated.???? This works beautifully in my oil warmer, it sells the room with its beautiful fragrance.????The benefits of diffusing oregano oil is that it can reduce inflamation and help clear your respiratory tract. Perfect as we enter cold and fl

  • author
    Brandon — 

    This is a powerful scent here. Only a few drops needed to add a bit more of an herbal note to whatever recipe you’re using.Very strong scent here! It lasts long and holds well with time.Good quality oil that works better than other watered down brands

  • author
    ChiefB — 

    I got this oregano essential oil because my sister-in-law swears by oregano's healing powers and I wanted to try it if I or another family member started feeling under the weather. Oregano is high in antioxidants, and oregano essential oil is especially high in carvacrol and thymol, two antioxidants that also have antibacterial and antifungal effects. This bottle of oregano essential oil also contains black cumin seed oil, which also is high in antioxidants, and propalis extract. Propalis is made by honeybe

  • author
    Hunter Warrior — 

    This is a high-quality Oregano essential oil. Potent and fresh. It has the sweet, spicy aroma as expected of Oregano. I use it for aromatherapy against colds and respiratory issues. It works well for that. It diffuses well in my ultrasonic diffuser and creates a conducive environment to help with colds and flu symptoms.This comes in an amber glass bottle with an Euro dropper and packaged in a retail box with an info sheet in it. Mine has a best before date of over 4 years from now. I appreciate that it stat

  • author
    Sunshine — 

    Qualität und Wirkung des Öls überzeugen mich absolut, wesentlich ergiebiger als andere, die teils nicht mal billiger sind! Absolut empfehlenswert!

  • author
    Divascribe — 

    I got this oil to use in my diffuser as an herbal remedy when I'm stuffed up due to colds or allergies. It's not a "pretty" scent like lavender or other florals, but it does help open my nasal passages. It's a healthy, non-drug remedy.

  • author
    ???? Kitten Kisser ???? — 

    This seems good. It smells & performs as expected. The only thing that's not too clear is the Country Of Origin aka COO & the extraction method. The company is in Bulgaria. So is the oregano EO sourced there as well? Aside from that, the oil is fine. I use it for bacterial overgrowth & as an herbal antibiotic.Botanical name:Origanum vulgare leafPackaged in a 1/3 oz amber glass bottle with a standard plastic reducer/euro dropper top.

  • author
    R Simmons — 

    I only use this sort of mint for medicinal purposes so can only recommend it for that reason. Very effective in reducing internal gas and bloating for me. Maybe it'll work for you just as well but be careful and read the instructions and follow them!

  • author
    Rich M — 

    This essential oil is great when you feel a cold coming on. I've used it in my diffuser and it really helps with breathing under those circumstances. It's got a powerful spicy scent and is quite potent. Good for what ails you. I've read that this oil can be used to help remove warts. I'm going to try that next. This stuff is definitely worth keeping around. The included brochure has sourcing info along with some suggestions for use. The shelf life goes through 12/25 according to the box, so it will last you

  • author
    KittyKat — 

    I got this to use in the bath as its a concentrated blend it required mixing/cutting before use.The instructions are easy to follow and there are various recommendations for use.The smell wasn't quite what I was expecting, it has a woody/mossy smell to it, though not unpleasant, it didn't;t have that relaxing smell I was looking for.My skin did feel lovely afterwards, and a tiny amount, a few drops is all you need, so the product will last a long time. For me, it's a bout getting used to the smell, once I'v

  • author
    Amazon Customer — 

    Great flavor, very potent

  • author
    Margit Richter — 

    Äußerlich Anwendung bei Kopfschmerze

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Super danke

  • author
    L. Sieb — 

    sehr zufriede

  • author
    Val — 

    When my kids start showing signs of cold or flu, I start applying every night, a couple of drops on the bottom of their feet. They start improving within days. A friend of mine told me about this great natural remedy but I did not believe him until I saw the results myself. Thank you so much!

  • author
    Alex — 

    War ein Geschenk. Riecht und schmeckt intensiv. Aber wenns hilft

  • author
    Bonner — 

    Habe mir das Öl auf Tipp eines Bekannten hin bestellt und nehme es mit Olivenöl verdünnt mittlerweile regelmäßig ein. Einen Schnupfen hat es bereits bei mir schnell bekämpft und ich habe bisher nur gute Erfahrungen damit gemacht. Im Netz gibt es zahlreiche Anwendungsgebiete und Tipps. Er riecht intensiven und man sollte es niemals unverdünnt anwenden, da es sonst äußerst brennt und reizt. Also bisher rundum positive Erfahrungen hiermit gemacht, auch wenn es teurere gibt, die ich nicht vergleichen kann. Lief

  • author
    Mari — 

    Super gute Qualität!

  • author
    Amazon Customer — 

    I love this fresh mint smell for every day, but when I’m getting ill, it really blocks any kind of sickness coming though. I rub it mixed in my coconut oil before going to bed on my chest. The quality must be really great, as it helps, just great!

  • author
    Holger Wilke — 

    Das hätte ich nun wirklich nicht gedacht. Ich war ständig krank und seit dem ich mir ein oder zwei Tropfen Oregano-Öl auf die Fußsohle reibe, bin ich nicht mehr krank geworden. Seit einem Jahr mache ich das nun schon! Ich bin wirklich begeistert von dieser geballten Pflanzenkraft! Vielen Dank an dieses kleine sympathische Unternehmen.

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Hat mir schon mehrmals geholfen,auch meinen Söhnen bei einer erkältung

  • author
    Eve — 

    The oils are fantastic and the delivery was prompt. I am very satisfied with these oils, they smell very pleasant. I like that they are natural oils and contain no chemical ingredients.

  • author
    Eve — 

    Great oil! 1-2 drops are enough and it smells for quite a long time and pleasant as well. Best oil I have had so far!

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