Aroma: Warm, fresh, sweet, spicy
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Part used: Leaves and stems
Main benefits:
Lovage essential oil is very useful for problems of the digestive, respiratory and genitourinary systems. It has a detoxifying and diuretic effect, thanks to which it helps the body to get rid of accumulated toxins and harmful substances. This oil is a great way to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and acne. It acts as an anti-allergen, helps the body to overcome hypersensitivity and reduce the body's allergic response. Aromatherapists use it as an antidepressant, for symptoms of anxiety and nervousness, and as a stimulant for positive emotions.
Basic chemical components:
α-terpinyl acetate, (Z)-ligustilide, β-phellandrene
Essential blends with organic Lovage oil
Lovage essential oil is used in the cosmetics, perfumery, aromatherapy, food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Combines well with essential oils of bay leaf, basil, coriander, ginger, lavender, Roman chamomile and rose.
Lovage - a little history
The Lovage was also known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Famous healers such as Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen recommend lovage boiled or soaked in wine for brain diseases, to disperse swellings - internal and external, as a purifying agent, against nocturnal enuresis, and mixed with honey - to cleanse and strengthen the body in case of poisoning.
An ancient Greek legend describes how the lovage herb grew from the tears of the beautiful Helen, who was kidnapped by Paris. That is why in Europe the plant is often called "Deer herb". The lovage is believed to be a symbol of health and female beauty.
The Slavs believed that the herb had 9 healing powers, and the Chinese credited it with the ability to cure 99 diseases. The commander Suvorov, during the transition through the Alps, gave his soldiers an infusion of lovage to increase their strength and fighting skills. As early as 1882, it was found that lovage inhibited the spread of tuberculosis bacteria. In Germany this plant is considered inimical to sorcerers and is associated with love magic, hence its name 'Liebstöckel'.
According to folk beliefs, the lovage possesses another hidden power - cleansing power - it protects from negative energy influences, not only the residents of the home, but also the entire house, which is why it is planted in front of the front door of the house to drive away bad forces and thoughts.
Supports detoxification and kidney health
Lovage essential oil excels as a powerful diuretic, known as an aquaretic, which promotes urination without causing excessive electrolyte loss. This much healthier form of urination supports the important organic process of detoxification without the risk of dehydration while improving kidney health. Increased urination releases accumulated toxins, clears calcified particles from the kidneys and helps prevent kidney stones. Along with this, it helps to clear the urinary tract, which prevents possible urinary tract. If you suffer from urinary tract infections, you can make a compress by adding 5 drops of lovage essential oil to a bowl of warm water. Then put a small cotton cloth on top of the water and let it soak. Squeeze it well and place it on the painful area. Repeat until the towel cools down to body temperature.
Tones the digestive system
One of the well-studied uses of lovage essential oil is as an antispasmodic and digestive tonic. Studies have shown that lovage oil has the ability to increase the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and thus moderately improve impaired digestion. It can also help eliminate flatulence and irritation in the intestines and thus promote healthy bowel movement. To reap the benefits of lovage oil, you can dilute it with a carrier oil and rub it into the abdominal area.
Helps with psoriasis
Why not supplement your treatment and help soothe your psoriasis with lovage essential oil? The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of lovage oil can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis and acne. Fortunately, lovage essential oil is a natural product and can be used safely over a long period of time. You can use lovage oil in several ways. If you're stressed, consider applying diluted lovage oil to your temples or adding a few drops to your aroma diffuser. This can help clear the mind and possibly manage the stress caused by psoriasis.
The topical application of the oil in the form of an ointment or in a cream recipe to lubricate the affected parts is especially effective. To do this, apply a little coconut oil on the skin of the affected area and drop 1 to 2 drops of lovage essential oil and rub on the scaly patches of skin. This works very well to relieve irritation, soothe itching and reduce inflammation.
Acts as an anti-allergen
Many of the health benefits of lovage essential oil are attributed to its anti-allergic nature. Its action as an anti-allergen is based on its ability to calm the effects of allergens and reduce the body's allergic response, remove unpleasant symptoms such as itching, red eyes, runny nose, soothe the mucous membrane and prevent other more serious allergic reactions.
Stimulates positive emotions and creativity
Do you often feel like you lack a muse, creativity, or creative mind? Do you feel stuck in any way? An easy solution that will help you get out of the dead end is lovage oil. In such conditions, inhale deeply the aroma of the oil and allow its power to unfold and work positively. The aroma of the oil will reconnect you with your inner creativity and activate your abstract thinking.
A 2018 study published in the Iranian Journal of Microbiology evaluated the chemical composition and anti-tuberculosis activity of the essential oil extracted from the aerial parts of the Levisticum officinale plant. The results show that lovage oil is active against the multidrug-resistant bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the main cause of human tuberculosis. The researchers concluded that it will be interesting to isolate the essential oil compounds and evaluate their anti-tuberculosis activity separately, because based on the molecular docking studies done in the present study, it was shown that the predominant essential oil compounds have a high affinity to inhibit an important enzyme in the biosynthesis of the cell wall of the aerobic bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Another in vitro clinical study published in the Chemistry Journal of Moldova investigated the antibacterial and antifungal effects of lovage essential oil on five strains of microorganisms. Lovage essential oil has been found to exhibit high antibacterial and antifungal properties in the concentration range of 0.015-0.030%. Its antimicrobial properties are due to the high content of the compounds: β-phellandrene, α-terpinyl acetate and (Z)-ligustilide, which show different mechanisms of inhibition and destruction of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Use for aromatherapy in the bath
- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects
- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints
Basic applications
- Unlocks creativity and creative potential
- Supports detoxification
- Acts as a digestive tonic
Healing properties
- highly detoxifying
- against gases
- choleretic
- stimulating digestion
- diuretic
SAFETY TIP: Lovage essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!
Energizing blend with lovage essential oil
If you feel stressed and under pressure or need positive energy and mood lifting, try this combination of essential oils in the aroma diffuser. This blend will bring a lot of energy and mood.
Revitalizing ointment in psoriasis
Try making homemade ointment to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. This recipe will help reduce inflammation and soothe red, dry and flaky skin. Rub the mixture with a light massage on the affected areas twice a day. You can add the same oils to the shower gel or lotion.
Blend in psoriasis
In a glass bottle of 10 ml. Mix the essential oils of lovage, cedar and immortelle. Supplement with base hemp seed oil and apply the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day to the affected area.
Inspiring aroma blend with lovage oil
Use this essential oil composition for motivation when you feel slightly depressed and need stimulating creativity and inspiration to achieve optimal results. Use a diffuser or aroma lamp and mix:
Oil for lymphatic drainage massage
Make your own massage oil for lymphatic drainage massage. This massage will help cleanse the body of toxins by accelerating metabolism and boost the immune system. Remember that lymphatic drainage massage is not aimed at warming up the muscles, so forget about applying movements with force or pressure. All movements are stroking and taps are soft, and the direction of movements should be consistent with the direction of movement of the lymph – from the periphery of the body to the nearest lymph nodes, in which the slags are processed and discarded.
Very high quality, pure and potent essential oil. Highly recommend.
Durfte das rein ätherische Öl der Marke Essences Bulgaria testweise ausprobieren und bin von der Qualität des Öles, der Aufmachung sowie der ausführlichen Aufklärung durch Essences Bulgaria durchweg begeistert!Bei Kauf erhält man von Amazon zügig geliefert eine kleine weiße Pappschachtel mit dem Branding des bulgarischen Familienunternehmens. Darin befindlich ein kleines Fläschchen mit insgesamt 5ml reinem Ölder Sorte Liebstöckel in therapeutischer Qualität - keine Kompromisse hier also.Helfen tut Liebstöck
Das Bio-Liebstöckel (Levisticum officinale), 100% naturreines ätherisches Öl ist gut verpackt und unbeschädigt bei mir angekommen.Das Öl macht einen gut verarbeiteten hochwertigen Eindruck. Es kommt in Bio Qualität.Ich verwende es in einem Diffusor oder stark verdünnt sogar für einen Saunaaufguss.Das Öl ist sehr intensiv und ergiebig. Der Duft selber ist etwas ungewohnt, aber natürlich auch geschmackssache. Ich mag ihn, er riecht leicht nach Kräuter und wirkt frisch. Man kommt damit richtig zur Ruhe. Man mu
Bei der Marke "Essences Bulgaria" habe ich generell ein gutes Gefühl - es handelt sich um Bio-Produkt und es wirkt authentisch. Das Liebstöckel-Öl riecht sehr "echt" und natürlich.Ich verwende das Öl indem ich es mit ein wenig Shampoo vermische und unterlaufendem Wasserstrahl ins Vollbad fließen lasse, dadurch entsteht kein Ölfilm auf der Oberfläche.Sehr entspannend!
Ich nehme es ein, tue es dafür in Leere HPMC kapseln und dann runter damitHilft meiner Verdauung und auch damit wasser los zu werde
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n Das ätherische Liebstöckl-Öl von „Essence Bulgaria“ wird in einer kleinen 5ml Flasche versendet. Man kann das 100% naturreine Öl nach Öffnung der Flasche für rund 24 Monate verwenden.Liebstöckl hilft sehr gut, wenn man 2-3 Tropfen des ätherischen Öls auf einen Teelöffel Honig in Glas lauwarmes Wasser oder Tee gibt. Zum einen wirkt es sehr beruhigend auf die Psyche und zum anderen hilft es bei Blähungen, Blasen- und Nierenleiden, Gich
Der Duft des Liebstöckel-Öl ist sehr intensiv.Ich kann den Duft nicht gut beschreiben - es ist sehr eigen und erinnert ein wenig an Bochshornklee.Der Duft ist recht eigen und in der Intensität ein klein wenig stechend, wenn man ihn in der Duftlampe verwendet.Der Duft soll beruhigend wirken. Ich empfinde ihn eher etwas aktivierend.Toll, dass es sich um BIO und reines Öl handelt.Der Tropfspender ist etwas großzügig, so dass immer ein wenig mehr Tropfen heraus kommen als beabsichtigt.Wenn man es auf die Haut a
Das Liebstöckl-Duftöl wird in einer sehr kleinen Flasche mit einem mächtigen Verschluss geliefert, dazu zu einem Preis, der eigentlich einer viel größeren Flasche auch noch gut zu Gesicht stehen würde.Der Preisfaktor relativiert sich jedoch sofort, wenn man das Öl in die Aromalampe gibt und hierbei auch nur einen einzigen Tropfen verwendet. Selbst dann ist das Öl noch sehr geruchsintensiv, wobei es sich um einen kräuterartigen Geruch mit leichtem Zitronenschlag handelt.Auf jeden Fall ist es ein sehr ungewoh
Das Liebstöckl Öl kam sehr gut verpackt bei mir an, und wenn man es aufträgt riecht es wirklich schön stark nach Liebstöckl, ich verwende es unter anderem mit im Diffuser in der Küche, und kann es einfach nur weiterempfehlen..
ESSENCES BULGARIA - das ist ein Familienbetrieb, der feinste ätherische Öle, Rosenwasser und Essenzen herstellt - in Bio-Qualität und durch und durch vertrauenerweckend. Alle erforderlichen Informationen sind auf dem Produkt zu finden.Für einen Liter wasserdampfdestilliertes Öl benötigt man 150-200kg Liebstöckel! Und zwar hier aus Bio-Anbau. Da steckt also viel Handarbeit und große Mengen Liebstöckel drin - das rechtfertigt dann auch den hohen Preis. Liebstöckel ist auch als "Maggikraut" bekannt. Kannte ich
Geliefert werden 5ml Organic Lovage (Bio Liebstöckel) von Essences Bulgaria in einer dunkelbraunen Glasflasche mit Tropfverschluss, um das ätherisches Öl vor schädlichen UV Strahlen zu schützen. Das ätherische Öl riecht angenehm nach Kräutern mit einer zarten zitronigen Duftnote. Meinem Mann und mir hat der Kräuter Duft sehr gut gefallen.Liebstöckel (Levisticum officinale), auch Maggikraut, in der Steiermark auch Nusskraut genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Levisticum aus der Familie der Doldenblütle
war für mich als ätherisches Öl unbekannt. Da es konzentrationsfördernd sein soll, probierte ich es im Difuser bei wichtigen Arbeiten und ich muss sagen, dass es zur Fokussierung wirklich hilft!