Organic Mint - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)

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Price: 9.90 €

Composition: 100% Mint Essential Oil

Aroma: Fresh, sharp, minty

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: Leaves

Main benefits:

  • It has a cooling and revitalizing effect on the skin
  • Relieves tension and pain in muscles and joints
  • Helps with headaches and migraines


The menthol-rich (70-75%) essential oil of Mentha arvensis (Japanese mint) is known for its beneficial effects on the upper respiratory tract and the symptoms of difficulty breathing, headache and nausea. Applied topically, peppermint oil has a cooling effect on the skin and a soothing effect on the muscles, colon and stomach lining. Thanks to the high levels of menthol, the use of peppermint oil helps to relieve pain of muscular, neurological and joint origin. Its refreshing aroma increases cheerfulness, energy levels and enhances concentration. It has the ability to neutralize unpleasant odors and can be used as a natural insect repellent as well as to soothe bites.

Basic chemical components:

Menthol, Menthone, Isomenthone

Essential blends with organic mint oil

Used in aromatic compositions, peppermint essential oil combines well with essential oils of lime, grapefruit, green mandarin, lavender, bergamot and basil.

Mint - a little history

Historically, peppermint is one of the oldest plants used for medicinal purposes. Archaeologists have found mint leaves in Egyptian tombs. In an ancient Egyptian medical papyrus from 1550 B.C. peppermint is listed as a remedy for stomach aches. In Greek mythology, the plant is associated with the nymph Minthe, whom Hades tried to seduce. In a fit of jealousy, Persephone, the wife of Hades, turned the nymph Minta into a plant. Hades altered the spell by endowing her with an enchanted fragrance and sweetness so that when visiting her to enjoy her presence. Hippocrates and Aristotle believed that peppermint reduced sexual desire, but according to most Greeks, on the contrary, it stimulated the urge and they prohibited its use by soldiers. The ancient Romans scented their homes and halls for celebrations with mint, because they believed that the aroma of mint activates brain activity, strengthens the mind, improves concentration and memory.

In the Bible, mint is mentioned along with anise and cumin plants as a tithe given to God, indicating its high value at the time. In Europe, mint was mentioned as an herbal remedy for the first time in an Icelandic pharmacopoeia in 1240. Later, monks in the Middle Ages used the plant as a toothache, and in the same period they discovered that the strong smell of mint kept dungeons free of rats and mice . In the Middle Ages, mint was used to treat wounds from dog bites. The herb was crushed with salt and the resulting mixture was applied to the bitten area. According to the herbalist Parkinson, the herb was often added to bath water to strengthen the nerves and muscles. Peppermint appeared in an English pharmacopoeia in 1721 and was recorded as a remedy for wounds, venereal diseases, colds and headaches. According to herbalist John Gerald in 1568, the scent of the plant cheered people's hearts.

Helps relieve muscle pain

Applied topically, peppermint essential oil is an effective natural pain reliever and muscle relaxant. It also has cooling and invigorating properties. It can help relieve tension, stiffness and pain in the muscles, improve blood flow to the affected area and reduce inflammation in the muscles, making it particularly suitable for back and neck massage. For joint and muscle pain, dilute 2 to 4 drops of peppermint oil with 10 ml. base oil and rub with massaging movements into the affected area. You can put a warm compress on top. The combination of peppermint essential oil and lavender essential oil is also a great way to help your body relax and reduce muscle pain.

Soothes indigestion

Peppermint oil can promote good digestion and soothe symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders (stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, bloating and gas). It can also serve as a natural remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. A drop of peppermint essential oil mixed with a teaspoon of coconut oil rubbed into the abdomen helps relax the muscles in the intestines and reduces bloating, gas and nausea.

Relieves symptoms of headache and dizziness

Many people suffer from tension headaches (tension headaches). Stress and tension have a negative effect on the nervous system. Excited neurons cause spasms in the muscles of the skull, resulting in a headache, sometimes very severe and long-lasting. Peppermint essential oil can reduce pain, suppress muscle spasms, and improve circulation to the temples, forehead, and sinus area when applied topically.

Freshens breath and fights tooth decay

The aromatic peppermint essential oil is a powerful ally in maintaining oral hygiene and helps to balance pH levels in the mouth, which in turn eliminates bad breath (halitosis). It is antiseptic, soothes and heals ulcers in the mouth, relieves inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa and helps prevent caries. Add a drop of peppermint essential oil to your toothpaste or mouthwash, or drop the oil directly under the tongue before drinking a glass of water.

It has an invigorating and toning effect

If you are feeling lethargic, peppermint oil is a great choice to tone and energize the body. Its fresh aroma gives a surge of new vitality and energy, increases energy levels, improves concentration, clears the mind of worries and restores mental balance. If you need urgent therapy for moments of lethargy, lifeless and fatigue, diffuse peppermint essential oil for 30 minutes and you will feel a surge of fresh strength and energy for life. You can also inhale it directly for quick mental focus.


Allergic diseases are quite common in all parts of the world, with the most common manifestations being bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and eczema. That is why research on plant extracts for the treatment of allergies and other diseases has gained momentum among scientists in recent years. An article published by the African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology evaluated the anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activities of organic extracts from different plant parts (root, stem and leaves) of the Mentha arvensis plant in animals. The results show that all parts of Mentha arvensis (especially the leaves) are a rich source of secondary phytocomponents that have therapeutic effects against allergic and inflammatory diseases. Further investigation on the mechanism of action of M. arvensis plant extract in various allergic and inflammatory disorders may lead to optimal combinations for the treatment of allergic and inflammatory diseases.

 A 2011 paper aimed to investigate the ethanol extract of Mentha arvensis leaves and analyze its in vitro antimicrobial potential against strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. The ethanolic extract of M. arvensis leaves was found to show antibacterial activity against all tested organisms, with Staphylococcus aureus antibacterial activity being more significant.

The menthol-rich essential oil of Mentha arvensis has been identified as a valuable and novel source of natural bioactive compounds. The present study, published by Phytomedicine Plus, aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity, antidepressant and antioxidant activities of Japanese peppermint oil. The result of the study clearly showed that they have significant antidepressant, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties, while the acute toxicity is moderate.

- Use for aromatherapy in the bath

- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects

- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints

Basic applications

- It has a cooling and revitalizing effect on the skin

- Relieves tension and pain in muscles and joints

- Helps with headaches and migraines

Healing properties

- cooling

- tonic

- revitalizing

- anti-inflammatory

- pain reliever

- antispasmodic

- deodorizing

SAFETY TIP: Mint essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Since peppermint essential oil can stimulate the menstrual cycle, pregnant women should avoid its use! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!


Cream for massage of tired muscles

This massage cream is able to reduce the feeling of muscle fatigue and optimize recovery after exhaustion or active sports activity. And you just enjoy a pleasant rest after a quality and healthy massage. An amazing combination that will bring joy and tranquility to your body, especially at the end of a tiring working day.


  • 1/2 cup grape seed oil
  • 1/4 grated beeswax
  • 2 tsp cayenne pepper powder
  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops of etheric ginger oil
  • 15 drops of immortelle essential oil

Pour water into a small saucepan and put it on a slow fire. Pour the base oil and beeswax into a glass container and place it in the pan. Stir until the mixture melts. Add the cayenne pepper. Once the mixture has homogenized, allow to cool. Add the essential oils and stir. Pour the cream into a box or glass container and let it tighten.

Focus Learning Support Blend

If you need a natural boost to increase concentration and stimulate energy and mental activity, then this blend is what you need. Blend Focus will help you eliminate everyday stress and distraction to focus on your goals, creating an environment of clarity and confidence conducive to work and learning. Mix the essential oils in a glass roll-on of 10 milliliters. Make up with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to the back of the neck before studying or working.


  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 2 drops of cedar essential oil
  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil
  • fractionated coconut oil to be supplemented


Homemade laundry soap

Try to make your own homemade and completely safe laundry soap with natural aromas, with enviable qualities. This recipe is ideal for beginners because it is made with a ready-made soap base. Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container. Use 1/4 cup of soap for a full washing machine.


  • 1 mold of Castilian soap grated
  • 2 cups borax powder
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil


Homemade soap with mint and matcha for young skin

Extremely easy and quick recipe for homemade soap with mint and matcha scent. This soap is great for energizing the skin and maintaining its youthful appearance.


  • 453 s soap base or glycerin soap
  • 2 tbsp matcha powder (Japanese green tea powder)
  • 3/4 teaspoon peppermint essential oil

Cut the soap base (glycerin soap) into pieces and melt them in a water bath. Mix the matcha powder with peppermint essential oil, add to the melted soap and pour into the molds. Let it cool completely. In a few hours, the soap bars will be hard and ready to be removed from the molds. To preserve the aroma, store in an airtight container.


  • author
    Daniel Peterov  — 

    Помирисвам го всеки ден. Истинска мента, много по-добра от мента. благодаря

  • author
    Denyo Chakarov — 

    За първи път купувам тази марка и се радвам, че отговаря на описаното, аромата е истински. смятам да поръчам отново от тази марка, благодаря

  • author
    Mila Yovcheva — 

    Търсех органично ментово масло. Точно това ми трябваше!

  • author
    Snjezana Raju — 

    I put that title because it really smell like mint, i bought in the past some other brands and I promise it didn't smell so great, thanks I recommend it.

  • author
    Галя Илиева — 

    Това масло е вълшебно. Много бързо ми минава главоболието. Ползвам го и при болки в стомаха. Чудесен продукт.

  • author
    Anusha Seimova — 

    Една или две капки в чаша вода са всичко, от което се нуждаете, има добър успокояващ ефект

  • author
    Илонка — 

    Ментата е страхотна!Чист,свеж и силен аромат,без билкови тонове!

  • author
    Karlheinz Schmid — 

    Angenehm natürlicher Duft.

  • author
    Simon Radev — 

    Качествен е. Истински аромат. Използвам го в дифузер и масажно масло.

  • author
    Jennifer Stone — 

    Ich liebe dieses Öl. Ich habe schon so viele Patchouliöle gekauft, die überhaupt nicht nach Patchouli riechen, aber dieses Öl hat den wirklich wunderbaren Duft von echtem Patchouli.

  • author
    J Núñez M — 

    Unique mint EO! Nice aroma, so fresh. Fast delivery.

  • author
    Lea Rummler — 

    Since many years I use herbs to heal whatever ails me. Started to have more and more pain in my knees. The Japanese Mint helped me to reduce the pain very much.

  • author
    fania — 

    Smells great

  • author
    Sara Ellen — 

    The mint is such a nice smell, though be careful not to spill it because mint is very strong. It came with instructions for adding to baths and for massages, very good for a first time user. Would highly recommend.

  • author
    Tanisha Hay — 

    The oil smells very good

  • author
    Amazon Customer — 

    Schnelle Lieferung, nachträglicher Kontakt mit Empfehlung, sehr gute Qualität...

  • author
    Angela C — 

    Great product!! I'm using this to make mentha body scrub & mentha bodywash. Very pleased with it.

  • author
    Cindy ???? — 

    Was exactly what I wanted in a mint essential oil. Used to scent home in burning essential oil burner with other essential oil scents and by itself. The mint scent was perfect not overwhelming just right a rather soothing feeling of essence it gives off for mint fragrance. Is absolutely perfect.

  • author
    Anonym — 

    Ich habe das Produkt zum wiederholten Male bestellt und bin weiterhin begeistert - meine absolute Lieblingsminze!Sehr gute Wirkung bei Kopfweh oder auch im Sauna Aufguss - Versand wieder sehr schnell - ich bin weiterhin begeistert.

  • author
    Jaspar A. — 

    Ein wunderbar duftendes Minzöl - hergestellt von einem sympathischen Familienunternehmen, das den gesamten Prozess von der Pflanze bis zum fertigen Öl selbst verantwortet. Die Herstellung kann durch ihre Beiträge in den sozialen Netzwerken fast "live" mitverfolgt werden. Empfehle ich gerne weiter!

  • author
    Holger Wilke — 

    Dieses herrliche Öl kennt man ja. Ich verwende es regelmäßig in der Sauna. Nur ein paar Tropfen genügen völlig, um die ganze Sauna in ein wunderbar duftendes Minzerlebnis zu verwandeln. Die Atemwege werden frei und man fühlt sich frisch. Absolut ein tolles Öl!

  • author
    Daniel Koersgen — 

    Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Minzöl. Die Qualität ist sehr gut und der Preis unschlagbar. Ich würde es sofort wieder kaufen.

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