Organic Mint - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)


Organic Mint - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)

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100% Mint Essential Oil

Price: 9.90 €

Our very special Peppermint oil is not just any mint oil – it is the best peppermint oil available on the market! It is highly effective through its extreme high menthol content (around 70%). The name indicates a connection to Japan, where in fact it has been grown since ancient times. Nevertheless real Mentha arvensis oil should be part of any household nowadays.

Besides its commonly known usage possibilities against colds and flues, real mint oil from Mentha arvensis is outstanding to help with cramps and digestion problems.

Natural Mint oil has magic abilities releasing headache and makes other medication unnecessary.

Externally applied this wonderful mint oil is pain relieving, refreshing and can be a perfect remedy for stiff muscles as well as for muscle and nerve pain. For external application, like massage, it is best to mix the oil into e.g. coconut oil as a carrier.

Another great property of this natural wonder mint oil is to eliminate bad breath, infections and bleedings in the mouth.

Mint oil helps with skin issues, such as acne, fungal infections plus it keeps your skin smooth and young.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. During pregnancy consult your doctor before use. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.

  • Stimulates mental activity and alertness.
  • It has a cooling and revitalizing effect on the skin.
  • Relieves tension and pain in muscles and joints.
  • Reduces the symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting related to traveling.

Mental effects and applications

Depression, nervousness and anxiety

• Diffusion: 
3-4 drops mixed with water.

Physical effects and applications

Flues and colds, relief of respiratory problems

• Inhalation: 
Mix 2-3 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of honey (1-2 tablespoons of sea salt) and add to boiling water, steam inhalation for 10 minutes /3-4 times a day.

• If yournose is blocked, massage a tiny amount under the nose.

Helps to relief muscles pain

• External Application: 
Apply a few drops to cover the affected area and gently rub it into the skin 2-3 times daily.


• External Application: 
Dab a few drops of essential oil on each temple and neck, rub gently into the skin.

Helps to relieve muscle pain

• External Application: 
Apply 3-5 drops to affected area and rub the skin gently 2-3 times daily.

Itch (Itching)

• Topical application: 
Apply 1 drop essential oil directly onto the skin.

Eliminates bad breath

• Gargling: 
Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a cup of dental water to create a gargle mixture.

Household and Gardening

This oil helps against ants. Simply add a few drops of mint oil on the ants path and swipe along the path with a cotton pad or tissue.

Please note: Mint oil is high in menthol, which is why it tends to crystallise and can become viscous to solid. When this happens, it can be liquefied again simply by warming it up.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. During pregnancy consult your doctor before use. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.


  • author
    Галя Илиева — 

    Това масло е вълшебно. Много бързо ми минава главоболието. Ползвам го и при болки в стомаха. Чудесен продукт.

  • author
    Илонка — 

    Ментата е страхотна!Чист,свеж и силен аромат,без билкови тонове!

  • author
    Karlheinz Schmid — 

    Angenehm natürlicher Duft.

  • author
    J Núñez M — 

    Unique mint EO! Nice aroma, so fresh. Fast delivery.

  • author
    Lea Rummler — 

    Since many years I use herbs to heal whatever ails me. Started to have more and more pain in my knees. The Japanese Mint helped me to reduce the pain very much.

  • author
    fania — 

    Smells great

  • author
    Tanisha Hay — 

    The oil smells very good

  • author
    Amazon Customer — 

    Schnelle Lieferung, nachträglicher Kontakt mit Empfehlung, sehr gute Qualität...

  • author
    Angela C — 

    Great product!! I'm using this to make mentha body scrub & mentha bodywash. Very pleased with it.

  • author
    Cindy ???? — 

    Was exactly what I wanted in a mint essential oil. Used to scent home in burning essential oil burner with other essential oil scents and by itself. The mint scent was perfect not overwhelming just right a rather soothing feeling of essence it gives off for mint fragrance. Is absolutely perfect.

  • author
    Anonym — 

    Ich habe das Produkt zum wiederholten Male bestellt und bin weiterhin begeistert - meine absolute Lieblingsminze!Sehr gute Wirkung bei Kopfweh oder auch im Sauna Aufguss - Versand wieder sehr schnell - ich bin weiterhin begeistert.

  • author
    Jaspar A. — 

    Ein wunderbar duftendes Minzöl - hergestellt von einem sympathischen Familienunternehmen, das den gesamten Prozess von der Pflanze bis zum fertigen Öl selbst verantwortet. Die Herstellung kann durch ihre Beiträge in den sozialen Netzwerken fast "live" mitverfolgt werden. Empfehle ich gerne weiter!

  • author
    Holger Wilke — 

    Dieses herrliche Öl kennt man ja. Ich verwende es regelmäßig in der Sauna. Nur ein paar Tropfen genügen völlig, um die ganze Sauna in ein wunderbar duftendes Minzerlebnis zu verwandeln. Die Atemwege werden frei und man fühlt sich frisch. Absolut ein tolles Öl!

  • author
    Daniel Koersgen — 

    Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Minzöl. Die Qualität ist sehr gut und der Preis unschlagbar. Ich würde es sofort wieder kaufen.

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