Organic Smoke Tree - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)


Organic Smoke Tree - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)

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100% Smoke Tree Essential Oil

Price: 19.90 €

Smoke tree is a beautiful flowering plant from the family Anacardiaceae. Smoke Tree or Smoke bush is a shrub known as ornamental plant for its beautiful foliage and flower. The real essential oil from smoke tree, botanically known as Cotinus coggygria , is still very new and rare.

As smoke tree oil has a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect, it can be well used against flue, cough and cold.

Moreover Smoke tree essential oil is very effective against acne, infected skin, purulent infection, skin impurities and dry, chapped or scaly skin.

The amazing smoke tree essential oil has healing properties related to skin issues while speeding up the healing process . This oil is very antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.

Furthermore essential oil from smoke tree is very much recommended for oral hygiene, inflammation of the gums, canker sores and stomatitis as well as periodontitis.

WARNING Smoke tree essential oil is highly concentrated and must not be used undiluted. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.

  • Deals successfully with bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Improves conditions such as dry or flaky skin.
  • Supports your oral health.
  • Can be used to refresh and disinfect the air in closed spaces.

Physical effects and applications


• Diffusion: 
Mix 2-3 drops of oil with a bit of water.


• Inhalation: 
Mix 1-3 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of honey and add to boiling water, steam inhalation for 10 minutes.

• Massage Oil: Add 3 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of a base-oil.

Various skin problems (rashes and inflammation)

• Bath: 
5-10 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (milk, cream, honey, cream, salt).

Atopic eczema, hemorrhoids

• Bath: 
4-5 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (milk, cream, honey, cream, salt).

Wound healing

• External application: 
Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 50 ml olive oil, cover the affected area and gently rub it into the skin.

• Bath: 4-5 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (g. 1 liter milk).

Oral hygiene, gingivitis and periodontitis

• Brushing teeth: 
Add 1 drop of oil to your toothpaste / once a day.

WARNING Smoke tree essential oil is highly concentrated and must not be used undiluted. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.

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  • author
    Велислава — 

    Страхотен продукт.

  • author
    Tania Chavdarova — 

    Надмина очакванията ми.

  • author
    Иво Николов — 

    Всяка година през горещите дни ми излизаха гъбички по раменете и гърба. Реших да опитам по препоръка на приятел без да вярвам,че ще има резултат. Само след седмица осъзнах,че това е най добрата покупка която съм правил. Сега нямам и следа от лишеи и петна по гърба и раменете.

  • author
    Весела  — 

    Използвах я за подсечено от памперси в комбинация с жегата лятото. Дъщеря ми беше зачервена около цялата вулва и плачеше много от болка. Флоралната вода от смрадлика успокоява болката и помогна за по-бързото възстановяване на кожата.

  • author
    Боряна Драганова — 

    Смрадликата е невероятно разстение. От дете я ползвам за най- различни промивки като билка. През лятото от време на време ми се появява един кожен проблем. Напръсках е с водата, няма и 5 минути и червенината изчезна. Чудесна!!!

  • author
    Мирослава Георгиева — 

    Помогна ми изключително много!

  • author
    Patrizia Lumba — 

    Es wurde mir von meiner Hebamme nach der Entbindung empfohlen. Bin richtig zufrieden vom Produkt und werde es immer wieder weiter empfehlen.

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Kannte ich vorher noch nicht, wurde mir durch meine Therapeutin empfohlen und ich muss sagen durch die regelmäßige Anwendung des Sprays ist die Akne viel besser geworden. Kann ich empfehlen.

  • author
    Daniel K — 

    Ein ätherisches Öl bester Qualität! Ich nutze das Öl z.B. als Mundspülung, seitdem ist mein Zahnfleisch kaum noch entzündet. Vielen Dank essences_bulgaria!

  • author
    HMG — 

    Habe das Öl zur Behandlung meiner Neurodermitis-Erkrankung angewendet. Neben Schafgarben-Öl eine echte Empfehlung für alle Leidensgenossen. Das Öl macht einen sehr wertigen Eindruck!

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