Massage mixture for muscle pain
Basil essential oil is great for soothing body massages. If you want to make homemade massage oil to soothe pain and reduce tension in muscles and joints, trust this recipe.
Massage mixture to relieve abdominal discomfort
To relieve abdominal cramps and the discomfort of constipation, diarrhea and flatulence, gently massage the abdomen around the navel with small circular clockwise movements with the following massage mixture:
Aroma blend against overwork
To cheer up and energize your mind, body and spirit and restore your strength after excessive fatigue and exhaustion, try the following recipe with basil essential oil.
Recipe for mosquito spray
It is believed that basil essential oil is a reliable universal means of repelling various insects. This Aroma Team of Basil and Citronella Essential Oils with Mint Supplement Will Drive Away Mosquitoes.
Annual mugwort is a versatile plant with significant health benefits, particularly in the treatment of malaria. Its antiparasitic, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable addition to herbal medicine.
05 November 2024 | Blog
Delve into the world of essential oils with certified aromatherapist Helen Nagle-Smith.
13 February 2023 | Blog
Rich in healthy fatty acids, hemp seed oil gives your body the needed boost to look and feel good. Here’s what you need to know.
25 October 2022 | Blog
Learn which are the best essential oils for hair loss and how to use them easily at home.
20 June 2022 | Blog
Learn how using rose essential oil can improve your physical and mental health. Good for your body - apply to your face and hair to improve skin texture and overall condition.
03 June 2022 | Blog
Find out the best uses of juniper oil in medicine and cosmetics, plus some easy recipes.
19 May 2022 | Blog