Organic Smoke Tree Floral Water - 100% pure and natural


Organic Smoke Tree Floral Water - 100% pure and natural

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100% Organic Smoke Tree Floral Water (Cotinus Coggygria Flower/ Leaf Water)

Price: 7.90 € 8.90 €

Our natural smoke tree floral water has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the natural functions of the oral mucosa and the oral flora and makes the tooth enamel more resistant to attacks by acids and bacteria. The flower water is a wonderful addition to daily oral care to prevent tooth decay and gum inflammation .

Our smoke tree water works against microbes, which disinfects damaged skin. It thus supports wound healing and helps against skin irritations . This hydrosol is also considered an effective remedy for acne and blemished skin in general. In acne therapy, the skin should be freed from dirt, sebum and dead skin cells twice a day with the smoke tree floral water.

It is used successfully to fight various skin diseases such as eczema and skin burns and promotes wound healing .

In addition, gynecologists recommend smoke tree floral water for cleaning and caring for the intimate area for women.

• helps especially with skin diseases such as eczema;
• fights acne very positively;
• cleans, nourishes and revitalizes the skin perfectly;
• improves the skin's barrier function;
• helpful against gum pain, periodontitis and aphthae;
• tightens and nourishes the gums;
• maintains the natural balance of the oral flora;
• combats effectively volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath;
• reduces the build-up of plaque and attacks putrefaction;
• has a strong antifungal effect;
• supports natural wound healing processes quickly;
• strengthens the enamel;
• fights against harmful bacteria.

• for facial care, spray straight onto the face or apply with a cotton pad;
• after brushing your teeth - rinse your mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds and gargle in your throat, then spit out the water;
• on poultices and compresses;
• hair tonic to revitalize the scalp and soothe the skin;
• hip bath for cleaning and caring for women's intimate area;
• in the case of pressure points and a tendency towards inflammation, smoke tree floral water can be massaged undiluted onto sensitive areas and gum edges with the fingertip or simply treated by rinsing the mouth.

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  • author
    Велислава — 

    Страхотен продукт.

  • author
    Tania Chavdarova — 

    Надмина очакванията ми.

  • author
    Иво Николов — 

    Всяка година през горещите дни ми излизаха гъбички по раменете и гърба. Реших да опитам по препоръка на приятел без да вярвам,че ще има резултат. Само след седмица осъзнах,че това е най добрата покупка която съм правил. Сега нямам и следа от лишеи и петна по гърба и раменете.

  • author
    Весела  — 

    Използвах я за подсечено от памперси в комбинация с жегата лятото. Дъщеря ми беше зачервена около цялата вулва и плачеше много от болка. Флоралната вода от смрадлика успокоява болката и помогна за по-бързото възстановяване на кожата.

  • author
    Боряна Драганова — 

    Смрадликата е невероятно разстение. От дете я ползвам за най- различни промивки като билка. През лятото от време на време ми се появява един кожен проблем. Напръсках е с водата, няма и 5 минути и червенината изчезна. Чудесна!!!

  • author
    Мирослава Георгиева — 

    Помогна ми изключително много!

  • author
    Patrizia Lumba — 

    Es wurde mir von meiner Hebamme nach der Entbindung empfohlen. Bin richtig zufrieden vom Produkt und werde es immer wieder weiter empfehlen.

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Kannte ich vorher noch nicht, wurde mir durch meine Therapeutin empfohlen und ich muss sagen durch die regelmäßige Anwendung des Sprays ist die Akne viel besser geworden. Kann ich empfehlen.

  • author
    Daniel K — 

    Ein ätherisches Öl bester Qualität! Ich nutze das Öl z.B. als Mundspülung, seitdem ist mein Zahnfleisch kaum noch entzündet. Vielen Dank essences_bulgaria!

  • author
    HMG — 

    Habe das Öl zur Behandlung meiner Neurodermitis-Erkrankung angewendet. Neben Schafgarben-Öl eine echte Empfehlung für alle Leidensgenossen. Das Öl macht einen sehr wertigen Eindruck!

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