Aroma: Earthy, warm, resinous
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Part used: Leaves and twigs
Main benefits:
Smoke tree water's primary purpose is to protect the oral cavity. It does wonders for irritated gums and periodontitis, aids in the eradication of decay-causing bacteria, and promotes the quick healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes. It functions as an astringent in makeup. It can hasten and accelerate the healing of gum injuries. It burns and soothes skin irritation and itching while also aiding in the healing of wounds in a variety of skin conditions, including neurodermatitis.
It helps with canker sores, periodontitis, irritated gums, and foul breath
Sumac water's essential oil helps to build tooth enamel and increase its resistance to bacterial and acidic attacks, while also promoting the natural processes of the oral mucosa and oral flora. It has ingredients that might lessen oral cavity inflammation, which is frequently linked to conditions like periodontitis and gingivitis. Flavonoids, essential oils, and biochemicals are some of its active elements that can aid in the battle against bacteria that cause gum disease and other diseases.
Maintains good oral hygiene
Preventing dental cavities is sumac water's primary purpose. It is a fantastic supplement to regular dental care because it actively prevents gum bleeding, irritation, and caries development. After brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, use the gargle. Fill the cap, give your teeth and gums a quick 30-second rinse, and then spit it out.
Minimizes and calms acne
Smoke tree hydrolate smoothes, strengthens, and reduces acne, all of which are beneficial effects of its antibacterial qualities on polluted skin. As part of acne treatment, you can use sumac water as a lotion to wash your face, balance the quantity of sebum on your skin's surface, and get rid of dead skin cell deposits. Taking a tetra leaf steam bath is an additional technique. The herb's healthy components are better able to enter the open pores thanks to the steam. Following a steam treatment for the face, the affected regions can be bandaged with gauze soaked in the restorative sumac water. Give the compress a 15–20 minute stay.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use for drinking. The herb smoke tree should not be used internally.
I haven't had such a great feeling on my skin and nose in a long time! Lovely to smell!
Страхотен продукт.
100% натурален, ароматът е като на мокро дърво, в началото може да е неприятен, но ароматът се утаява. Кожата не сърби, не оставя червенина.
Надмина очакванията ми.
Всяка година през горещите дни ми излизаха гъбички по раменете и гърба. Реших да опитам по препоръка на приятел без да вярвам,че ще има резултат. Само след седмица осъзнах,че това е най добрата покупка която съм правил. Сега нямам и следа от лишеи и петна по гърба и раменете.
Използвах я за подсечено от памперси в комбинация с жегата лятото. Дъщеря ми беше зачервена около цялата вулва и плачеше много от болка. Флоралната вода от смрадлика успокоява болката и помогна за по-бързото възстановяване на кожата.
Смрадликата е невероятно разстение. От дете я ползвам за най- различни промивки като билка. През лятото от време на време ми се появява един кожен проблем. Напръсках е с водата, няма и 5 минути и червенината изчезна. Чудесна!!!
Помогна ми изключително много!
Es wurde mir von meiner Hebamme nach der Entbindung empfohlen. Bin richtig zufrieden vom Produkt und werde es immer wieder weiter empfehlen.
Kannte ich vorher noch nicht, wurde mir durch meine Therapeutin empfohlen und ich muss sagen durch die regelmäßige Anwendung des Sprays ist die Akne viel besser geworden. Kann ich empfehlen.
Ein ätherisches Öl bester Qualität! Ich nutze das Öl z.B. als Mundspülung, seitdem ist mein Zahnfleisch kaum noch entzündet. Vielen Dank essences_bulgaria!
Habe das Öl zur Behandlung meiner Neurodermitis-Erkrankung angewendet. Neben Schafgarben-Öl eine echte Empfehlung für alle Leidensgenossen. Das Öl macht einen sehr wertigen Eindruck!