Organic Patchouli - 100% pure and natural essential oil (15ml)

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Price: 10.90 €

Composition: 100% Patchouli Essential Oil

Aroma: Rich, earthy, musky, and a bit spicy

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: Leaves

Main benefits:

  • Strengthens hair and skin
  • Has a grounding effect on the emotional level
  • Repels insects


Patchouli is considered a great balancer among essential oils. On an emotional level, it is relaxing and has a harmonizing effect on the mind and body. Aromatherapists use it to treat conditions of a weakened immune system.

Patchouli is also known to treat various skin inflammations, such as acne and eczema. It also has anti-fungal, and anti-infective properties. Last but not least, patchouli has shown great potential against bugs. 


Patchouli alcohol, alpha-guaiene, b-caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide


Patchouli essential oil has a very rich, intense aroma and blends perfectly with bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, lavender, neroli, sweet orange, geranium, sandalwood, cedarwood, Rosa damascena, copaiba, dragonhead and ylang ylang.


Patchouli is a flowering plant in the Lamiaceae family, commonly known as the mint family. The same family rosemary, hyssop, oregano, and lavender come from. The Patchouli plant is a bushy perennial herb, reaching up to one meter in height and bearing small, pink-white flowers.

Although nowadays, patchouli is successfully cultivated throughout regions in Asia, Madagascar, and South America, Indonesia provides over 90% of the global supply.

Patchouli oil has been used in folk medicine in Malaysia and the Philippines for centuries. It was often used to help heal wounds and reduce scar formation. Patchouli oil was also considered an excellent means of repelling insects and treating snake bites.

In the 1800s, its usage against moths by the clothing industry was so widespread that patchouli oil would be considered a true mark of authentic oriental fabric. Back then, it was used to protect silk and other fabrics from insects and damage while luxury shaws and other garments were transported across the world.

Later, in the 1960s, patchouli oil became the image of the counterculture revolution in the USA and Europe alike. Furthermore, occasionally it’s been tagged as ‘the scent of the 60s’ because the essential oil was often worn neat on the skin by the party-loving rebellious youth.

Chanel, Gucci, Givenchy, and Bottega Veneta all have created perfumes using patchouli as a base note. Nevertheless, there is so much more to explore about patchouli essential oil than its exotic and alluring aroma.

Treats skin conditions such as dermatitis and acne

Patchouli essential oil supports the formation of new skin cells and that way it can help keep your skin looking young, rejuvenated, and vibrant. It is suitable for all skin types - dry, dull, or combination types. As patchouli essential oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is also recommended for acne-prone skin.

Try out adding five drops of patchouli oil to your face cleanser or lotion, or you can massage the oil on your face diluted in a carrier oil.

Relieves depression

Patchouli essential oil has invaluable spiritual benefits and antidepressant properties. When used aromatically, it regulates the release of serotonin and dopamine. Working on your dopamine pathway, patchouli essential oil helps ease feelings of anger and frustration.

It can connect the soul, body, and mind and help you feel grounded. And when we are mindful, we tend to be more appreciative of life. Combat stress and that constant insecurity, be present, and be aware of all the opportunities that life presents to us.

Diffuse 5 drops of patchouli oil, or add 5 to 10 drops to your bathtub to drain the negativity away.

Good for oily hair, irritated scalp, and dandruff

Patchouli essential oil is perfect for balancing the scalp. It has moisturizing and cleansing properties, and it can help hydrate dry hair. Because of its antibacterial qualities, patchouli oil is also good to use to reduce dandruff. It is a great solution for lifeless hair and split ends.

Supports the venous system

Patchouli oil exhibits strong decongesting properties and can also act as an analgesic agent. It is often used in ‘anti-heavy legs’ blends to treat the syndrome of tired legs.

Patchouli oil is a good tonic that supports the circulatory system and the small blood vessels in particular. It can be successfully used as a natural remedy against varicose veins and heavy legs.

Repels insects

Patchouli oil is said to repel mosquitoes, fleas, ants, moths, and flies. You can mix 5 to 10 drops with pure alcohol and spray the solution on your clothes, skin, or even garden furniture.

You can also consider putting cotton pads infused with patchouli and lavender oils around your home, in your closet, cellar, or attic.


The European Bioinformatics Institute has gathered more than 60 research studies that focus on patchouli alcohol (PA). According to those, PA could be a promising therapeutic agent for various chronic human diseases, such as depression, gastric disorder, inflammatory intestinal disorders, some types of cancerand metabolic ailments.

A study from 2013 suggests that patchouli has strong antibacterial activity. As a reference, the study authors used the five most acknowledged antibiotics - benzylpenicillin, sulfadiazine, trimethoprim, rifampicin and ciprofloxacin.

It turned out that all of the 26 compounds present in patchouli oil exhibited antibacterial potential. In particular, pogostone and patchouli alcohol have been proven to be very potent.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 4% of the world's population lives with depression. A recent study from 2020 concluded that patchouli alcohol, which is a key component in the oil, exhibits promising antidepressant qualities worthy of further development into a drug for the treatment of depression.

- Use in the bath for aromatherapy benefits

- Diffuse for the emotional and mental benefits

- Massage, well diluted, for physical ailments

Healing properties:

- strong decongestant on the venous system

- aquaretic(promotes the excretion of water without electrolyte loss)

- anti-inflammatory

- epithelizing

- sedative

- analgesic

- anti-infectious

- anti-fungal

- insecticide

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Patchouli oil is a highly concentrated product and should only be used with extreme caution. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend additional consultation with a specialist prior to usage, especially when used in childhood, during pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep out of reach of children     

Because patchouli essential oil can affect blood clotting, avoid if:

  • You are taking blood-thinning medication;
  • You have recently had or will be undergoing surgery;
  • If you suffer from bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia;
  • Patchouli gilt als hervorragender Ausgleicher unter den ätherischen Ölen. Auf emotionaler Ebene wirkt es entspannend und harmonisierend auf Geist und Körper. Aromatherapeuten nutzen es zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen eines geschwächten Immunsystems.


Grounding essential oil blend recipe

Patchoulol, which is one of the main components of patchouli essential oil, has a deeply grounding effect on the human body. Because of this constituent patchouli essential oil is often used to balance and calm agitated emotions.To enjoy the mood-balancing properties of patchouli oil, try this easy aroma blend. Mix:

  • 3 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 1 drop of juniper essential oil
  • 1 drop of cedarwood essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil

The recipe is suitable for a 100ml diffuser.

If you are using a bigger one, kindly adjust the reciprocatively.


Patchouli oil hydrating facial mask

Do you feel like your skin looks rather dull and lacks its usual radiance?

This DIY face mask with patchouli oil contains only three ingredients. Take a little time to indulge your skin and quench its thirst. Your skin will instantly feel satiated and radiant. Bring the youthful look back! Mix:

  • 1 tbsp of argan or rosehip oil
  • 1 tbsp of raw honey
  • 3 drops of patchouli essential oil

Apply preferably in the evening on a cleansed face. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.


Anti-aging facial oil

This anti-aging facial oil is what you need to regenerate and rejuvenate mature skin. The oil blend will help you keep your skin looking youthful, radiant, and hydrated. Rosehip oil also has whitening properties, thanks to its content of Vitamin C. Apply daily, preferably in the evening, after cleansing your face well. Mix:

  • 30ml of rosehip oil
  • 2 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 1 drop of neroli essential oil
  • 2 drops of rose oil


Calming bath oil blend

De-stress, and relieve anxiety and frustration with this calming bath oil blend. Your completely natural remedy for a good night’s sleep. Here is what you need:

  • 6 drops of dragonhead essential oil
  • 6 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 6 drops of frankincense essential oil


‘Happy Veins’massage oil

Patchouli is known to have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, making it the perfect oil of choice for those suffering from varicose veins and heavy legs syndrome. To help relieve aching muscles and relieve tension in the veins, combine the following oils and massage them into the skin:

  • 50 ml of hemp seed oil
  • 5 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 5 drops of yarrow essential oil
  • 2 drops of lime essential oil


Bug repellent

You can use this easy recipe to repel bugs. It’s an all-natural recipe and very easy to prepare. You need:

2 tbsp of rose hip or almond oil

  • 5 drops of cedarwood essential oil
  • 5 drops of patchouli essential oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix in a glass bottle and rub onto the skin when going outside. Avoid applying around sensitive areas. Store in a cool, dark place to keep the oils fresh.



  • author
    Tanja Berger — 

    Practical and long-lasting.

  • author
    Mariq Lubenova — 

    Неслучайно маслото от пачули се използва в парфюмерията, то мирише невероятно. Ако мога да го опиша, то е богато, мускусно, много богато и малко пикантно. Най-важното нещо за мен е, че отблъсква насекомите, така че да няма повече миризливки вкъщи.

  • author

    I use essential oil for the diffuser. Pleasant smell. I recommend.

  • author
    Fiete Appelschnut — 

    Terrific Organics from ESSENCES BULGARIA! I have made multiple orders from this Quality Company and will continue purchasing from them in the future! Two Thumbs WAAAY UP!!

  • author
    Heliq Filipova — 

    За първи път си купих масло от пачули, защото имам няколко парфюма, които също съдържат пачули. Сега използвам няколко капки от това масло в арома дифузер. Мирише прекрасно. Скоро ще го използвам и като добавка в пералнята.

  • author
    Криси — 

    Това масло ще ви стигне за години. Изключително е икономично, тъй като има адски силен аромат. Една капка в дифузера е достатъчна целият ви дом да мирише на Пачули. А комбинацията с Бергамот е просто превъзходна! ????

  • author
    Боряна — 

    Изключително земен и тревист. Любим аромат. Много чисто масло

  • author
    Heinz Pence — 

    Ich hatte eins gekauft und dachte, es sei abgelaufen. Ich habe mich an das Unternehmen gewandt und sie haben sich die Sache angesehen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass nur ein Etikett beschädigt war. Sie haben mir problemlos ein neues geschickt. Ein wunderbares Produkt und ein großartiges Unternehmen. Kaufen Sie es, Sie werden es nicht bereuen.

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