Organic Almond Oil - 100% pure and natural, cold-pressed oil (100ml)

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Price: 10.90 €

Composition: 100% Organic Almond cold-pressed oil (Prunus amygdalus dulcis )

Extraction method: Cold pressing

Part used: Seeds (nuts) of the Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis plant

Colour: Pale yellow, golden

Aroma: Light, sweet, nutty

Main benefits:

  • Moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin
  • Helps reduce signs of skin aging
  • Nourishes hair roots, stimulates growth, enhances shine and flexibility of hair
  • Treats chapped lips and elbows
  • Stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Reduces brittleness, restores the good appearance and strength of nails


A natural product with excellent skin tolerance and hypoallergenic properties is gentle almond oil. This makes it one of the most significant oils in aromatherapy and cosmetics, and it can also be used to care for infants and kids (using it, for instance, in massages). Its healing, anti-aging, and hydrating qualities are advantageous for skin care. Its incredibly light texture makes it easy for use into a skin care routine, absorbs rapidly, and is soothing on the skin. Its high fatty acid makeup, which is most similar to human skin grease, is what makes it unique. Almond oil is essential for preserving the skin's radiance and vitality.


Oleic acid (Omega-9), linoleic acid (Omega-6), stearic acid, palmitic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E; proteins, glycosides, trace elements

Healing properties:

- Moisturizing

- Emollient

- Soothing

- Supportive

- Rejuvenating

- Antioxidant

- Anti-inflammatory

Organic almound oil – a little history

Prunus dulcis, the almond tree, is a member of the Rosaceae family and has many branches. "Queen of the Rose Family" is a title given to almond trees. It originated in the Middle East and Central Asia. Almonds are revered as holy nuts. According to legend, the almond tree seed gave birth to the beautiful ancient Greek god Attis. The almond tree is revered as a holy tree and a sign of hope in the Bible. According to the Old Testament, Aaron's rod blossomed and bore almonds as a symbol of God's favor.

Amygdale, which comes from the Latin term for the nut, is the shape of the halo that surrounds the heads of the saints in paintings featuring biblical subjects. Almonds are known for being incredibly nutrient-dense and tasty. They were served as sacred bread to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and are highly valued as brain food worldwide. Both for priestly rites and various cosmetic procedures, almond oil was utilized.

Bitter almonds had been used as medicine by the ancient Egyptians. They were used to make almond water (Aqua Amygdalarum amararum), a mild anesthetic and pain reliever. A 5,000-year-old Egyptian papyrus describes "aquaamigdalorum" as a skin tumor remedy. Almonds are referred to be the "heavenly tree" in Iran and are connected to fertility in Indian culture. Alabaster vials with sea salt and almond oil were prized by the ancient Japanese since they were a known remedy for having beautiful hair and skin.

  • It has a moisturizing and softening effect
  • Soothes, strengthens and restores the skin
  • Helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy
  • It has anti-aging properties
  • Benefits for hair and scalp care
  • Maintains eyelash health


Almound oil has a moisturizing and softening effect

Almond oil functions as an emollient and a hydrating agent. All skin care products include vitamin A since it is abundant in the oil and is essential for regulating metabolic processes. Almond oil helps the skin retain the proper amount of moisture; its light texture makes it easy to absorb into the skin without clogging pores or leaving greasy marks; it also improves the color of the skin, nourishes it, and leaves it feeling softer and smoother, healing damaged areas of the skin more quickly.

Soothes, strengthens and restores the skin

Almond oil can be applied externally to soothe and calm irritated and inflamed skin, including sensitive peeling skin, as well as to lessen redness and swelling and hasten the healing process. It can also be used as a lip balm because it helps chapped lips heal more quickly.

Helps prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Almond oil is incredibly light in texture, so it absorbs fast, deeply hydrates the skin, fortifies skin cell membranes, encourages epidermis renewal, and keeps problem regions of the skin from losing their elasticity. A massage every day can help lower the chance of developing stretch marks. Warm up some almond oil, then use gentle circular motions to massage it into your skin, letting it soak. Even when massage is administered lightly, it stimulates the tissues that lie beneath the skin's superficial layers.

Almound oil has anti-aging properties

Vitamin E, which is abundant in almond oil, is essential for maintaining youthful-looking skin as we age. Almond oil's antioxidant qualities aid in shielding the skin from UVA light damage and free radical damage. Vitamin A's retinol has the power to reduce fine wrinkles and promote the growth of new skin cells. Almond oil can also help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve the appearance of youthful skin, and lessen the signs of aging on the skin. When the oil is applied to the eye contour, it lessens puffiness from weariness and stops black circles from showing.

Benefits for hair and scalp care

Almond oil is considered to be the most powerful natural stimulant for nourishing and strengthening the hair shaft. Almond oil contains a high concentration of vitamin B7, or biotin, which helps to maintain healthy hair and scalp. Additionally, because it has SPF 5, it might act as a natural defense against sun damage to hair.

Maintains eyelash health

The simplest method of keeping eyelash health is to use sweet almond oil on a regular basis. In addition to keeping them from becoming weak and brittle, the oil's qualities also aid to soften the skin around the eyes. It also stops eyelash loss, boosts density, enhances structure, and promotes blood flow in the growth area.

Almond oil can be used throughout your skin care routine and is suitable for all skin types.

- Facial Cleanser – Cleansing with almond oil frees the skin from debris and pollutants that may have stuck to it during the day or night and prepares it to absorb the nourishing ingredients of skincare products.

- As a moisturizing oil – You can apply it directly to the skin as a moisturizer, providing 24-hour hydration and protection from external factors. Apply a few drops of the oil to dry and well-cleansed skin with light massaging movements until the oil is completely absorbed. It can be used alone, to add to cosmetic masks and products or as a base for dissolving essential oils. If you use it as a moisturizer, you don't need to rinse it off.

- For hair – Apply a few drops to your scalp and massage gently, then cover your hair with a shower cap and leave the product on for 15 minutes before washing your hair. It can also be applied to the ends of the hair to reduce or prevent flowering and breakage.

- As a makeup remover – Using your fingertips, gently apply almond oil to the areas where you want to remove makeup. Then use cotton

- balls or warm water to remove the oil

Basic applications:

- Moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin

- Helps reduce signs of skin aging

- Nourishes hair roots, stimulates growth, enhances shine and flexibility of hair

- Treats chapped lips and elbows

- Stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes

- Reduces brittleness, restores the good appearance and strength of nails

IMPORTANT! No proven allergic reactions or harmful effects during pregnancy. Do not use if you have a nut allergy!


Natural exfoliant with almond oil

A herbal scrub is the best way to help skin renew, remove dead skin and make skin supple. We offer you a recipe for a natural scrub that you can make at home.

  • 2 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp sweet almond oil
  • 1 tsp hemp seed oil
  • 1 tsp Argan oil
  • 1 tsp sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp apricot kernel oil
  • 1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil


Mix all the ingredients and gently massage in the shower. Then rinse with warm, soap-free water. Do not remove the remaining amount of oils so that they continue to nourish your skin for a longer time. We recommend a natural exfoliant as the first step in stretch mark prevention, as it allows the creams or oils you use afterwards to absorb more effectively and deeply.

Almond oil hand mask

Almonds are a source of biotin, which helps soften dry skin and nails. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which hydrates and exfoliates, and honey draws moisture to the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 2 tsp yoghurt


Mix all ingredients in a blender. Apply to your hands. First wrap your hands in plastic bags or latex gloves and then with a towel to allow the mask to penetrate the skin more effectively. Leave for 10-20 minutes. Unwrap and rinse. Then apply hand cream to the skin.




  • author
    Jose Luis Sanz — 

    Hello! I ordered just last Friday, and today Thursday I received my order first thing in the morning, and I'm in Ireland. Perfect delivery, perfectly wrapped all around the box and inside the product super protection. Thank you, a very smooth and Super Fast Delivery????. Now I will start using the products I ordered, and let you know later how it was for me ????.

  • author
    Елена — 

    Върщи чудеса за суха кожа

  • author
    Desislava Vladimirova — 

    Здравейте! И аз съм възхитена от качеството на продуктите. Опитах няколко от маслата и усетих,че те наистина имат много положително въздействие! Конкретно бадемовото масло го използвам веднага след плаж. Бързо се абсорбира и доста добре хидратира кожата. Също го използвам и като маска за коса. Придава мекото и блясък. Със сигурност ще ви се доверя отново!

  • author
    study.with.chris — 

    Здравейте,от скоро започвах да използвам био бадемовото Ви масло и съм много доволна от него.Използвам го сутрин за масаж с гуа-ша ,дори и някога вечер след уморителен ден.Лицето ми се чувства свежо и много чисто .Използвам го и за косата като го нанасям в корените на косата или по върховете и пренощувам с него.На сутринта сле като измия косата ,тя е мека,лъскава и много жива.Много съм доволна,защото дълго време страдах от косопад и заедно с продуктите които използвам,това масло прави чудеса и с кожата ми и с косата ми.Искам да Ви похваля за страхотното качество на продуктите Ви и се надявам в бъдеще да пробвам още от тях и те също да са толкова качествени.

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