Organic Rosemary - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)

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Price: 8.90 € 10.90 €

Composition: 100% Rosemary Essential Oil

Aroma: Fresh, woody

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: Leaves

Main benefits:

  • An excellent stimulant of mental and physical activity
  • Strengthens the hair roots and strengthens the scalp
  • Activates blood circulation


The beneficial properties of rosemary essential oil include: enhancing memory and concentration, stimulating the immune system, increasing tone and good mood, relieving pain, activating detoxification processes, accelerating hair growth, stimulating mental activity and relieving respiratory problems. Rosemary essential oil is also a great hormone balancing oil because it naturally helps remove excess estrogen from the body.

Basic chemical components:

1,8-cineole, Camphor, Linalool, Beta-caryophyllene, Terpinen-4-ol

Essential blends with rosemary oil

Rosemary essential oil is used as a middle note in perfumery. Combines well with lavender, tea tree, bergamot, helichrysum, white pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme, black pepper, ginger, basil and cedar essential oils.

Rosemary - a little history

Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen shrub with leaves like pine needles. The generic name "Rosmarinus" is derived from the Latin words "ros" and "marinus", meaning "dew of the sea". In Greek, the name of the herb means "Incense of flowers and trees". Rosemary holds a special place in ancient Greek religion, as it was widely used to consecrate and decorate altars, temples and sacred places. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans revered rosemary as a sacred symbol of love. They used the herb to improve memory and concentration and to ward off evil forces and nightmares. In ancient Greece, students are said to put sprigs of rosemary in their hair while studying for exams. According to researchers, the aroma of the plant is associated with improved long-term memory. The most famous literary line in this connection is the dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia, when she tells him: "Here is rosemary, which is for remembrance - I pray you, my love, remember me!".  Already in the 14th century, the tonic, pain-relieving and antiseptic properties of rosemary oil were known, which is why it became the main ingredient of one of the first alcohol-based perfumes in Europe - the water of the Hungarian queen.

Vital and full of energy even in advanced age, Queen Elizabeth owes this to the famous "water" throughout Europe, made mainly from distilled rosemary. In France, during the plague epidemic, wine was made with rosemary and sprigs were placed outside homes as protection against the devastating disease. Rosemary has been used in magical spells and formulas since ancient times but is best known for its purifying and protective properties. It is used in rituals to purify and break spells. In shamanism, the magical properties of rosemary were used during the astral journeys of the energy body in the "afterlife". Rosemary enhanced the shaman's ability to achieve a state of meditation or trance in which the astral separates from the physical body.

Stimulates hair growth and strengthens the scalp

Rosemary essential oil is extremely valuable for hair care. Thanks to its ability to improve cellular nutrition and increase metabolism in weakened hair follicles, rosemary essential oil strengthens and stimulates growth and nourishes hair along its entire length, promotes regeneration and restores damaged hair. On the other hand, regular scalp massage with rosemary essential oil significantly strengthens the scalp and reduces dandruff. You can massage a diluted mixture of rosemary oil and carrier oil into your scalp before or after bathing or mix it into your shampoo or conditioner.

Improves concentration and memory

Rosemary essential oil is an excellent brain stimulant – it improves focus, concentration and memory. A study found that inhaling rosemary oil can improve cognition, boost mood, and even reduce the risk of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. A report published in Frontiers in Neuroscience summarizes data on the neuroprotective effects of rosemary oil, finding enormous potential benefits on cognitive function and prevention of neurological disease.

Supports liver detoxification

Another widely known use of rosemary essential oil is as an aid in liver detoxification and in the relief of digestive problems. The oil can help speed up fat breakdown processes and support detoxification. To cleanse the body, stimulate detoxification and eliminate toxins, mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil and apply to the liver area twice daily.

Relieves muscle and joint pain

Rosemary essential oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and tissue inflammation that commonly leads to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Applied topically to the painful area, the active substances contained in the essential oil: 1,8-cyenol, alpha-pinene and camphor bind to pain receptors and specific mediators of inflammation and thus exert an analgesic effect without having a sedative effect. Mix 2 drops of rosemary essential oil, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub in circular motions on sore muscles and painful joints.

Improves blood circulation and increases skin elasticity

Rosemary essential oil is part of many skin care products, providing elasticity and increased circulation to the skin. In addition, rosemary essential oil reduces redness and inflammation of the skin of the face and hands, reduces the appearance of age-related changes, prevents the formation of stretch marks and restores the process of renewal of epidermal cells. To reduce the visible signs of cellulite, mix 3 to 6 drops of rosemary essential oil with 20 ml. base oil of jojoba and with this mixture make frictions (rubbing with quick, vigorous movements) on the areas affected by cellulite.


A group of psychologists from Northumbria University in Newcastle found that the scent of rosemary essential oil improves prospective memory, which involves the ability to remember events and tasks to perform at certain times in the future. 

Rosemary essential oil is rich in carnosol, a phytochemical that can slow the growth of cancer cells, boost immune function, limit the production of cancer-related hormones and act as an antioxidant, according to the AICR. The antiangiogenic activity of carnosol and carnosic acid may contribute to the antitumor activity of the oil and suggests its potential in the treatment of angiogenesis-related malignancies.

Rosmarinic acid, a major phenolic compound found in rosemary essential oil, is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer effects.

Another scientific paper examined the ability of carnosic acid to inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells and synergize with curcumin. It is concluded that carnosic acid, alone or in combination with curcumin, inhibits the growth of ER-negative human breast cancer cells and may be useful in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

One of the most common uses of rosemary essential oil is to stimulate hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia. Results from a 2015 study in Iran showed that rosemary oil may be as effective at stimulating natural hair growth in people with androgenetic alopecia as Rogaine Minoxidil, a popular hair loss prevention and regrowth product and hair thickening.

Another study revealed the neuroprotective effects of carnosic acid contained in rosemary essential oil and its unique role in the management of neurodegenerative disorders that lead to progressive degeneration and/or death of nerve cells. Examples of neurodegenerative diseases are Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases.

A review in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice of 13 studies found that certain essential oils, including rosemary oil, can help manage pain in rheumatic diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Study participants used lavender, ginger and rosemary essential oils for 2 to 12 weeks. All studies show the efficacy of aromatherapy with essential oils in reducing pain in rheumatic diseases.

- Use for aromatherapy in the bath

-Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects

-Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints

Basic applications

- An excellent stimulant of mental and physical activity

- Strengthens the hair roots and strengthens the scalp

- Activates blood circulation

Healing properties

- energizing

- neuroprotective

- antiseptic

- pain reliever

- antioxidant

- anti-inflammatory

- antimicrobial

SAFETY TIP: Rosemary essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!


Natural anti-cellulite massage oil

To reduce fat deposits under the skin and suppress the inflammation in it that causes orange skin, you can turn to nature. There are some natural essential oils that have anti-cellulite effects. You can massage the areas affected by cellulite with a homemade massage oil combining several essential oils with good anti-cellulite effects.


  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 15 drops of grapefruit essential oil
  • 15 drops of juniper essential oil
  • ½ cup cold-pressed almond butter

Mix all the oils in an appropriately sized jar. Mix very well. Close tightly with a lid. Shake well for 5 minutes. Apply to the skin in the morning and evening, massaging for a few minutes. For best results, exfoliate the area affected by cellulite before applying the massage oil.

Intensive nourishing mask

Wondering what is the fastest way to speed up your hair growth? If you have problems with hair loss and your hair is really tired and needs to be loaded with nutrients, try this combination homemade hair mask. It combines the strengthening action of some of the most effective hair stimulants and you can definitely feel the difference after the first application.


  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil (olive oil is also an alternative)
  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 7 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 7 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and spread evenly on damp hair, covering the entire length, especially the dry ends. Cover with a plastic wrap or bath mask and leave the mask on for 45-60 minutes. Finally, wash with shampoo, and for optimal results, apply once a week.


  • author
    Боряна — 

    Изключително чисти масла. Това е 4 или 5 тото масло, което използвам на вашата фирма. Много доволна!!!!

  • author
    Richard Marbach — 

    Herrlich erfrischend

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