Organic Roman Chamomile - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)

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Price: 19.90 €

Composition: 100% Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Aroma: Sweet, fruity-floral, grassy

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: blossom

Main benefits:

  • Promotes relaxation and restful sleep
  • Soothes irritated and reddened skin
  • Recommended for young children with hyperactivity

Roman Chamomile

In aromatherapy, Roman chamomile essential oil is used as a powerful remedy against neuropsychiatric disorders. Emotionally, it helps reduce anxiety, balances and harmonizes the mind and body. It has exceptional anti-aging and restorative properties that help prevent aging, revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. Topical application of the oil soothes irritated, inflamed and sensitive skin and improves the symptoms of eczema, acne, rashes, burns, rashes, diaper rash, skin rashes and other allergic conditions. Promotes healthy and fulfilling sleep. Chamomile oil is suitable for use on children.

Basic chemical components: Isobutyl angelate, Isoamyl angelate, Methylamyl angelate, Isoamyl isobutyrate

Essential mix with organic roman chamomile oil

In perfumery, Roman chamomile essential oil is used as a middle note. Combines well with geranium, rose, peppermint, mandarin, lemon balm, bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, eucalyptus and lemon essential oils.

Organic roman chamomile oil – a little history

Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) is known as "noble chamomile". The plant was given the name “nobile” (Latin, noble) to illustrate its superior therapeutic efficacy. The sweet, fruity-floral, herbaceous aroma of the plant is often associated with that of the apple, hence the Greek name "chamaimēlon" (in English chamomile), which means "earth apple". The use of Roman chamomile has been documented since the ancient Egyptians. They considered the Roman chamomile to be a divine flower and a symbol of the sun, which embodied the power and energy of the god Ra, capable of awakening this mighty divine force and helping a person in sickness and poverty. Roman chamomile essential oil was used in the embalming of Pharaoh Ramses. Information about the use of Roman chamomile for medicinal purposes is also available at the time of ancient Rome and Greece, when prominent representatives of that time such as Hippocrates, Galen, Asclepius and Avicenna wrote about its properties in their work "The Canon of Medical Science". A description of Roman chamomile can also be found in Roman scholar Pliny's seminal work Natural History. Romans used Roman chamomile to flavor drinks and incense, as well as a medicinal herb to combat disease. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, women lightened their hair by using potash with powdered dried yellow Roman chamomile flowers. Ancient Tibetan healers considered Roman chamomile to be a "magical" plant of youth and made elixirs that brightened the complexion and promoted health and longevity.

Doctors throughout Europe and in the early settlements of America included Roman Chamomile in their medicine pouches because it treated pain, inflammation, allergies and digestive problems all naturally and without side effects. In “Back to Eden”, Jethro Kloss recommends that everyone "pick up a bag of chamomile flowers, as they are good for many ailments." People have also used it as a natural deodorant, shampoo and perfume. An interesting fact is that the medicinal properties of Roman chamomile do not only apply to humans. Planting Roman chamomile near diseased plants could improve their growth.

The divinely scented plant is known as an herb for purification and protection against psychic or magical attacks, and can be used in inhalations for restful sleep and meditation. Roman Chamomile facilitates communication with angelic beings during meditations and visualizations and assists the seeker in the astral field where it protects against demonic entities. The plant was first included in the Württemberg pharmacopoeia (1741) as a carminative, analgesic, diuretic and digestive (Lukacs, 1990).

In a number of folk magical traditions, especially those of the American South, Roman chamomile is known as a lucky flower, made into a wreath around the hair to attract a lover or carried in the pocket for happiness. It is not by chance that the herb is called "witch's weed". Since time immemorial, Roman chamomile flowers have been used as a natural dye that gives hair not only a pleasant golden hue, but also makes it strong and shiny.

Calms the nervous system

In aromatherapy, Roman chamomile essential oil is one of the most well-known essential oils for relaxation on a physical and psycho-emotional level. The high content of esters determines the pleasant aroma of the oil and makes it a wonderful helper for depression, anxiety and stress. On an emotional and energetic level, it creates a sense of well-being, calms an anxious mind and promotes an atmosphere of peace, harmony and tranquility. To stimulate a sense of calm and harmony, put a drop of Roman Chamomile essential oil in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and inhale deeply. Adding a few drops to your bath water will create a soothing and relaxing experience.

Аcts as an analgesic, antispasmodic and muscle relaxant

Roman chamomile oil is highly regarded for its potential to relieve muscle spasms and reduce pain and inflammation. As an excellent analgesic, antispasmodic and muscle relaxant, Roman Chamomile essential oil helps relieve muscle tension and fatigue and can help relieve menstrual, muscle and stomach cramps.

Improves the condition of rashes and eczema

Topical use of Roman chamomile oil soothes irritated, inflamed and sensitive skin and improves the condition of eczema, rashes and acne. Its exceptional efficacy in treating symptoms is due to its ability to soothe inflammation, actively reduce itching and irritation, delicately regulate the balance of sebum production, hydrate and whiten post-inflammatory pigmentation. To speed up skin healing, apply 2 to 3 drops diluted with a carrier oil to the affected area twice a day..

Supports restorative sleep

Roman chamomile oil has a sedative effect and can promote restful and sound sleep. It can also help with chronic insomnia and restless thoughts. Add a few drops of Roman Chamomile oil to your bath or apply a few drops to your pillow before bed. Use 2 drops of Roman Chamomile oil for a relaxing sensation during a soothing massage. Add 3 drops of essential oil to every 100 ml. water in the diffuser and turn on for 30 minutes before falling asleep in the bedroom.

Has a calming effect on small and adolescent children

Gentle and protecting, Roman Chamomile essential oil is great for babies, toddlers and adolescents. Safely and effectively reduces irritability, lowers nervous tension and promotes calm and quiet, especially in hyperactive, irritable and impatient children. It is no coincidence that Roman chamomile oil has a pronounced effect on the solar plexus, which is why it is extremely valuable in controlling anger and reducing the level of aggression in children. For babies, it can be used in a very diluted form to induce a sense of calm, to calm teething jitters, to relieve colic, diarrhea and stomach cramps and to help sleep. Add 3 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of base for children or 1 drop of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of base for babies and rub in with light massaging movements in a clockwise direction.


An in vivo clinical study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and wound healing-accelerating properties of Chamaemelum nobile oil against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an animal model (rats). The result shows that Chamaemelum nobile extract has effective antibacterial activity and accelerates the progression of wound healing. This result reveals the potential of the plant extract in the treatment of skin infections that are resistant to antibiotics. Roman chamomile essential oil has a remarkable relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This is the first report of the action of Roman chamomile on smooth muscle, which may substantiate the traditional use of this plant to relieve stomach cramps.

A study published by SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences examined the effect of inhaling Roman chamomile essential oil for two weeks on depression-like behavior in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Inhalation of Roman chamomile oil, or one of its main components α-pinene, was found to have the antidepressant effect and attenuate the symptoms of depression in WKY rats. This result suggests that chamomile oil inhalation may enhance the antidepressant effect of clomipramine in treatment-resistant depressed patients.



- Use for aromatherapy in the bath

- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects

- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints

Basic applications

- Promotes relaxation and restful sleep

- Soothes irritated and reddened skin

- Recommended for young children with hyperactivity

Healing properties:

- soothing

- anti-inflammatory

- antiseptic

- pain reliever

- antispasmodic

 SAFETY TIP: Organic Roman Chamomile essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!

Anti-fever blend (for compress and massage)

Fever is one of the most common complaints in children (and often in adults). With the help of essential oils, you can safely and successfully cope with fever, without side effects and adverse reactions. Of course, this recipe does not replace a visit to the doctor, which has too high a fever or in the presence of other symptoms. However, aromatherapy is an effective and gentle method of first aid before the examination by a doctor.

To make a compress, add the following essential oils to a bowl of cool, but not cold water:

  • 1 drop of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil
  • 1 drop of coriander essential oil


Dip a compress in the water and squeeze it out. Put it on the back of the child for about 5 minutes. Make sure that the water is not cold, but pleasantly cool for the child. Then dry the skin and massage the back with the following oil:

  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1 drops of rose essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil


Softening cream for rough hands

This homemade cream penetrates deep into the epidermis and makes the skin hydrated and elastic. Melt sweet almond oil, grape seeds and shea butter in a water bath. Stir until combined. Let the butter mix cool a little, add the essential oils and stir. Pour the resulting homogeneous mixture into a jar. After a few hours, it hardens. Use several times a day.


  • 20 ml sweet almond oil
  • 10 ml grape seed oil
  • 50 ml shea butter
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil


Water for rinsing blonde hair

We offer you a great recipe for ladies with blond hair. If you want to revitalize the color of your blond hair, give it a golden color, gloss and strength, use this homemade water to rinse. Stir before use to disperse the oil.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 3 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil


Blend for balancing emotions and tension

A distinctive blend of essential oils that help you feel reality and balance your emotions. All the ingredients of this roll-on are well known for their soothing effects. Soothes the mind and body, gives a sense of relaxation and tranquility. Simply slide the roller along the neck, shoulders or behind the ears to calm your emotions as you inhale the scent. The roll-on is convenient to apply whether you are at home, school or at work. Apply to the shoulders, neck, back or dot area


  • 10 ml cold-pressed argan oil
  • 2 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops of rosemary essential oil


  • author
    Karlo Mihaylov — 

    Това е много висококачествено масло на много достъпна цена.

  • author
    Alejandro Cristoveanu — 

    This oil is amazing! definitely buying it again super rich very natural earthy smell of chamomile and I love the color blue!!! Very relaxing!!!!!!

  • author
    Кристина — 

    Страхотно е! Имам раздразнен скалп и пърхот и много облекчава кожата на скалпа. Прилагам го смесено с масло от лавандула и разредено с кокосово масло върху скалпа и по дължината на косата.

  • author
    Doreen Moll — 

    Das ätherische Bio-Salbeiöl von Essences Bulgaria ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das durch Wasserdampfdestillation von Salvia officinalis-Blättern gewonnen wird. Dieses ätherische Öl ist biologisch zertifiziert und in einer 10-ml-Flasche verpackt, ideal für den vielseitigen Einsatz sowohl in der Aromatherapie als auch in der Kosmetik. Das ätherische Salbeiöl ist für seine zahlreichen wohltuenden Eigenschaften bekannt, darunter die Unterstützung der Hautgesundheit, der Stressabbau und die Verbesserung der gei

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