Organic Tarragon - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)

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Price: 9.90 €

Composition: 100% Tarragon Essential Oil

Aroma: Herbal, spicy, sweet, with a hint of anise

Extraction method: Steam distillation

Part used: Leaves and flowering tops

Main benefits:

  • Soothes allergy symptoms
  • Relieves muscle spasms
  • Reduces the feeling of discomfort when traveling


Tarragon essential oil is used in aromatherapy (in the form of massages, inhalations, face masks, suspensions, baths and compresses) in the treatment of gastrointestinal spasms, muscle dysfunction, dyspepsia, hiccups, aerophagia, anxiety, intestinal worms ( roundworms and pinworms) (Duke, 2001; Bown, 2002; Valnet, 1990), menstrual problems, delayed menstruation and uterine stimulation (Valnet, 1990). Its anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties make it a must-have essential oil for allergy sufferers. Relieves symptoms of travel discomfort and nausea.

Basic chemical components:

Methyl Havicol (Estragol), Eugenol, β-Ocimene, Limonene

Essential blends with tarragon essential oil

If you're looking for tarragon essential oil blend ideas, you can combine with peppermint, ginger, ylang-ylang, basil, black pepper, lemon, lavender, bay leaf, cypress, and caraway oils.

Tarragon - a little history

Tarragon is one of the most famous spices and medicinal plants in Tibetan and Arabic medicine. The perennial herb is believed to have originated in Central Asia and Eastern Siberia and entered Europe during the Mongol invasion. In the Middle Ages, it was brought to southern France by the Crusader Knights. Today, tarragon is grown mainly in Europe, the Middle East, India and North America. The most widespread are two subspecies - French and Russian, the first being more aromatic. Taros is another name for tarragon.

The name Esdragon (little dragon) is French and comes from the Greek word for dragon or snake "dracunculus" - the other name for tarragon is "dragon herb". The Latin name Artemisia dracunculus (Dragon of Artemis) actually means "little dragon". This name is mainly due to the shape of the roots of the plant, similar to snakes twisted into a ball, and the old widespread superstition that tarragon can keep these dangerous creatures away and cure snakebite.

Arab healers used tarragon as a remedy for halitosis, anemia, and a digestive aid. In Ancient Greece, people chewed tarragon leaves to get rid of toothaches. Roman soldiers put leaves of the plant in their shoes before going to war, believing that they would recover from fatigue. In Europe, the use of tarragon in cooking began in the 17th century. The French were the first to add the spicy herb to their main dishes. Today, tarragon is part of the world famous Dijon mustard. Many French dishes would be unthinkable without tarragon, such as the legendary béarnaise sauce or the fine herb mixture.

It has anti-allergic properties

Tarragon essential oil can be one of your best allies in case of seasonal allergies. It is successfully used to combat the effects of histamine in the body, which is the main substance formed by the body during an allergic reaction. Its ability to reduce the body's inflammatory response to allergens helps relieve symptoms such as rhinitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis and eczema. Its main component, the basis of the specific anise aroma of the plant - methyl havicol, has antispasmodic and anti-allergic properties and is especially valuable in the fight against hay fever. To manage inflammation and regulate the immune system's overreaction when faced with an allergen, inhale tarragon essential oil in the morning, then apply a drop diluted in a little carrier oil to the solar plexus or rub into the wrists.

Soothes spasms

Tarragon essential oil is a powerful antispasmodic due to its high concentration of estragole. Literally minutes after its application on the skin, you can feel relaxation of the muscles, relief of pain and reduction of cramps. In case of colds, its use is invaluable because it soothes spasmodic cough attacks. To help muscles relax and relieve aches and pains throughout the body, apply the oil topically, diluted in a carrier oil, to painful areas.

Reduces stress and anxiety

The aroma of tarragon oil refreshes, invigorates the mind, keeps the mind awake, energizes the body, stimulates the mental and creative forces, has a stimulating effect. It helps to overcome stress and to release suppressed anger and accumulated tension. Simply put 1 to 2 drops in your palms, rub them together and inhale the refreshing aroma by the handful. Alternatively, you can make a nasal inhaler by mixing 5 drops of tarragon oil, 5 drops of lemon oil and 5 drops of peppermint or frankincense oil and inhale whenever you need to refresh your mind, feel tired or stressed, as well as before a meeting, an exam or an important moment when you need to be in top shape. If you suffer from a toothache, add 2 to 3 drops of tarragon essential oil to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Dip a cotton ball in the prepared mixture and apply it directly to the painful area. Leave it on for a while until the pain subsides, then spit it out. Make a conditioner by mixing 2 drops of tarragon essential oil, 2 drops of frankincense essential oil with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Tarragon essential oil can help with discomfort and reduce inflammation and pain while you visit your dentist, but it shouldn't be a long-term solution for toothaches.

Relieves toothache

Tarragon essential oil has a number of uses in dentistry - for pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease and diseases of the oral mucosa. Thanks to its anesthetic, antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it is used in dentistry as a local anesthetic for surgical interventions in the oral cavity or as an antiseptic for toothache. Studies have found tarragon oil to be as effective as benzocaine, which is used for topical anesthesia in the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Improves digestion

Tarragon essential oil has the potential to help the body maintain normal peristalsis when the digestive system is under stress or when the digestive tract is not functioning properly. It helps speed up digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach, which helps break down food, stimulates peristalsis of the intestines and facilitates the movement of food throughout the digestive tract. Researchers say that eugenol acts on stress-sensitive areas of the brain by balancing the levels of stress hormones, which in turn helps keep the gastrointestinal tract functioning properly.


A 2016 clinical study conducted in Iran compared the antibacterial properties of A. Dracunculus essential oil. The experiment was conducted using the disk diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pyogenes, S. typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella flexneri, S. marcescens , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella.

The results showed that all of these bacteria were sensitive to tarragon essential oil, with S. epidermidis showing the largest zone of inhibition.

Another study evaluating the antimicrobial activity of estrogen oil again concluded that it showed inhibitory activity against seven microbial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at minimal concentrations (MIC ) of 1.25–5.0 μl/ml. The results are conclusive that tarragon essential oil can be used as a potential biomedical resource.

The main objective of a clinical trial conducted in 2021 was to investigate the effect of tarragon essential oil, extracted from the aerial parts of the plant, on the antioxidant capacity of cells. The results show that its phytochemical components trigger the activity of cellular antioxidant enzymes and therefore can be considered as a potential protective agent useful in preventive medicine.

- Use for aromatherapy in the bath

- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects

- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints

Basic applications

- Soothes allergy symptoms

- Relieves muscle spasms

- Reduces the feeling of discomfort when traveling

Healing properties

- antivirus

- antispasmodic

- anti-allergic

- gas driven

- pain reliever

SAFETY TIP: Tarragon essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care. Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, breastfeeding or if you suffer from chronic diseases! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children! Avoid in cases of asthma, hypertension, kidney disease and in people suffering from neurological diseases or people with coronary diseases!

Aroma compress against pain and spasms in the muscles

Applied to the skin, tarragon oil can reduce spasms and muscle pain. If you are looking for an effective natural painkiller and a muscle relaxant at the same time, try this home treatment recipe. Mix the oils and apply to the problem area. Cover with a hot compress and let it act for 3 to 5 minutes.


  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops of cypress essential oil
  • 2 drops of tarragon essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil


Invigorating aroma inhalation

For those days with a bad mood, annoying symptoms and maddening apathy, rub the essential oils into your palms and cover the mouth and nose with your hands. Slowly inhale a fresh and cheerful mood. Smile. Try also rubbing the oils into your feet and abdomen dissolved in base oil.


  • 1 drop of tarragon essential oil
  • 1 drop of bergamot essential oil
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang essential oil


Aroma blend against nausea when traveling

Almost all of us at some point in our lives have experienced nausea – that unpleasant sensation in the stomach that often occurs immediately before vomiting. The next time your stomach is upset, use essential oils to soothe nausea, discomfort, and heaviness in your stomach associated with traveling.


  • 1 drop peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop of ginger essential oil
  • 1 drop of tarragon essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

Rub essential oils diluted into coconut oil, behind the ears, on the inside of the wrists or on the abdomen to relieve nausea. It is also possible to inhale the fragrance directly from the bottle or from a handkerchief. In this way, you will enjoy the benefits of oils through your sense of smell. This more gentle way of application can be used as often as necessary during trips.


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