Organic Bay Leaf - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)


Organic Bay Leaf - 100% pure and natural essential oil (10ml)

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100% Bay Leaf Essential Oil

Price: 8.90 € 9.90 €

Organic bay laurel leaf essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of the bay tree (Laurus Nobillis) . It has a pale yellow to orange-brown color and a fresh, deep, balsamic, sweet-spicy aroma that bears a certain resemblance to clove oil.

Organic bay laurel leaf essential oil has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and helps control headaches and migraines. Reduces stress, relieves pain and improves blood circulation. All of these are factors that have a positive effect on migraines. In addition, bay laurel leaf essential oil relaxes muscles and improves sleep.

All-natural bay laurel leaf essential oil can be used as an antimicrobial agent for diseases of the respiratory tract. Inhaling the oil helps to dilute secretions and make them easier to remove from the body, reducing the viscosity of the mucus and increasing its volume so that it can be better excreted. In this way, some of the pathogenic bacteria in the airways that cause inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Bay laurel leaf essential oil has the ability to reduce inflammation makes it a natural option for treating pain and inflammation that affects muscles, joints, and tendons. Bay leaf contains parthenolide, a phytonutrient with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this essential oil helps relieve muscle pain, including arthritis, sprains, tendon sprains, rheumatism, and general body aches and pains.

The wonderfully aromatic essential oil of bay laurel leaves has a relaxing and calming effect and reduces anxiety. It is also a good source of Linalool. Linalool is a substance that can help lower the levels of stress hormones in the body, especially when used in aromatherapy, it has a protective effect on the immune system and protects the body from the negative effects of stress.

On an emotional and energetic level, bay laurel oil can strengthen self-confidence and contribute to mental clarity and concentration. It warms, lifts and attracts positive thoughts.

Due to its healing properties, the essential oil of bay laurel leaf increases blood flow to the hair follicles, improves hair growth, strengthens the structure and restores the elasticity and natural shine of the hair. It is able to normalize the secretory function of the scalp, manage the removal of excess fat, strengthen the scalp and fight dandruff.

Bay laurel leaf essential oil is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial oil, making it a great remedy for acne and problem skin that is prone to inflammation and excessive sebum. The essential oil has an astringent effect that helps cleanse the pores in depth, balance the activity of the sebum glands, and remove dead skin cells and impurities that have built up in the pores.

Bay laurel essential oil is a popular ingredient in the manufacture of men's cosmetics as it helps reduce skin irritation after shaving.

  • On an emotional and mental level, it helps you feel more self-confident.
  • Increases stamina and physical resilience to fight viruses and the flu.
  • Good for your scalp and hair health.
  • Relieves muscle pain.

Effects on the psycho-emotional state

Anxiety, stress, and insomnia

  • Aroma lamp: Put 3-5 drops of essential oil in an aroma lamp or diffuser for every 15 m².


Effects on the human body

Sore throat, cold and flu

  • Inhalation: Mix 1 table spoon of honey with 2-3 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil and add to 500ml of hot water. Inhale deeply for 5-7 minutes.
  • Rub: Mix 3-5 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil with 1 tea spoon rosehip base oil. Rub into the area of ​​the sternum with massage movements.


Headaches and migraines

  • Rub: Mix 2-4 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil with 10-20ml base oil. Massage in a circular motion for the forehead, temples, the area around the eye sockets, behind the ears and on the back of the neck.



  • Topical application: Moisten a piece of cotton wool with 2 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil and apply it to the affected areas. Do the procedure every night before bed.
  • Topical use: Mix a small amount of bay laurel leaf essential oil with the same amount of grape seed oil and apply to the skin until absorbed.


Muscle pain, arthritis and rheumatism

  • Rub: Mix 5-7 drops of bay leaf essential oil with 20ml of rosehip oil. Rub the affected areas several times a day with massage movements.
  • Bathtub: Add 7-10 drops of essential bay laurel leaf oil with emulsifier (honey, milk, sea salt, cream, bath salt, salt) to the bath water and stir vigorously. Duration of one procedure - 10-15 minutes.
  • Massage: Mix 20 drops of bay laurel leaf oil with 50ml base oil (almond, rose hip, apricot kernels).


Bruises and sprains

  • Cold compresses: Put 4-5 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil in a bowl of cold water. Put a small cotton cloth on the water and let it soak. Squeeze it well and place it on the painful areas.


Hair loss, dandruff

  • Topical use: Rub a mixture of 5-6 drops of bay laurel leaf essential oil and 1 tea spoon of coconut, castor or olive oil into the scalp. Massage in for a few minutes and cover the head with a plastic cap and leave for 1 hour/ 2-3 times a week.
  • Enrichment in the shampoo: Add 3-5 drops of essential bay laurel leaf oil to 100ml shampoo.


You can spread bay essential oil around the rooms or apply a few drops directly to cotton balls or objects in critical places where insects get in (benches, balconies, windows, etc.).


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Essential bay laurel leaf oil is a highly concentrated! The application in pure form on the skin should be done with caution! Keep out of reach of children! Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding without consulting a specialist! Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body!

NOTE: The information displayed on the website is for informational purposes only. The internal aromatherapy use of the essential oil requires prior consultation with an aromatherapist!

Aroma blend for viruses and colds

If you want to increase natural protection from viral and colds and boost the immune system, use this blend containing oils with proven therapeutic effects.

Make an essential mix of equal parts of the oils:

  • bay leaf essential oil
  • cinnamon essential oil
  • tea tree essential oil
  • eucalyptus essential oil
  • lavender essential oil
  • peppermint essential oil
  • Clove essential oil


Use the essential mix in an aroma diffuser to purge the air in the room and delicately absorb the healthy fumes. Add 4 drops of the essential mix every 100 ml. water in the diffuser and plug in for 1 hour.

Alternatively, you can apply to the skin for local action on key areas: breasts, throats, sinuses. Add 6 drops of the essential mix in 1 tablespoon of base oil and apply with rubbing movements clockwise 3 to 4 times a day. Store the mixture in a closed, non-metallic container at room temperature and use within a few days.


Massage mixture for muscle pain

Bay leaf essential oil is great for soothing body massages. If you are looking for a good massage oil to reduce pain in tendons, joints and muscles, try this recipe. You can also use before and after exercise to reduce the effect of muscle soreness.

Use a glass bottle and mix:

  • 4 drops of bay leaf essential oil
  • 2 drops of frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops of ginger essential oil
  • 30 ml. sweet almond oil


Aroma blend for smoking cessation

Here is an essential blend of fragrances that helps reduce nicotine cravings:

  • 6 drops of bay leaf essential oil
  • 4 drops of clove essential oil
  • 2 drops of bergamot essential oil
  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil


Insect repellent

You can spread bay leaf essential oil in the rooms or apply a few drops directly to cotton balls or objects at critical points where insects enter (skirting boards, balconies, windows, etc.).


  • author
    Anonym — 

    Ich leide seit Jahren an chronischer Sinusitis, Rhinitis und Bronchitis. Ich habe verschiedene Medikamente und verschiedene medizinische Behandlungen ausprobiert. Aber was mein Leben verändert hat, ist das BIO Echter Lorbeer 100% naturreines ätherisches Öl. 
Vor vier Monaten entdeckte ich dieses wunderbare ätherische Öl. Ich verwende 5 bis 8 Tropfen in einem Vernebler und lasse den Vernebler über die Nacht laufen. Schon in der ersten Stunde fühlte ich eine Linderung des Drucks in den Nasennebenhöhlen und nach einer Woche wurden viele der Symptome (verstopfte oder laufende Nase, Schmerzen in den Nasennebenhöhlen, Kopfschmerzen u.a.) drastisch reduziert, einige verschwanden sogar. 
Seitdem verwende ich das ätherische Öl BIO Echter Lorbeer 100% ohne weitere Medikamente. Die Qualität des angebotenen Produkts wirkte sich definitiv auf meine Lebensqualität aus: es verbesserte die Schlafqualität, die Stimmung im Laufe des Tages und gab mir Energie und Selbstvertrauen zurück. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dieses Produkt gefunden zu haben und obwohl ich weiß, dass jeder Fall anders ist, würde ich mich freuen, Menschen hier zu inspirieren, neue Wege zu finden, Wege zu einem viel gesünderen Leben durch die Verwendung von Naturprodukten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Essences Bulgaria, mögen Sie diese schöne Arbeit fortsetzen, ohne den Fokus auf das Wichtigste zu verlieren: Menschen dabei zu helfen, durch Naturprodukte eine bessere Lebensqualität zu gewinnen. :)

  • author
    Carina aus Hannover — 

    Ich liebe es!!! <3 Habe es bereits u.a. in warmen Bädern ausprobiert (in Trägeröl, z. B. Hanföl, Oliven- oder Traubenkernöl), auch vermischt mit Rosmarin und etwas Ysop. Großartig! Die oben beschriebene Mischung ist auch sehr schön zum Einreiben der Haut bei Muskelschmerzen. Nach dem Bad kann die Ölmischung bspw. vermischt mit etwas neutraler Bodylotion in die feuchte Haut eingerieben werden. Bei Kopfschmerzen 1-2 Tropfen Lorbeer pur auf Stirn und Schläfen einreiben oder im Diffusor vernebeln.

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