Aroma: Strong, haunting, earthy
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Part used: Root
Main benefits:
Valerian essential oil has many health benefits, which include its ability to improve the duration and quality of sleep, beneficially affect insomnia, exacerbated neurotic conditions, anxiety, depression and chronic stress, improve stomach health, reduce heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure, boosts cognitive abilities and reduces menstrual cramps.
Basic chemical compounds
Alpha-Pinene, Camphene, Limonene, Isovaleric Acid, Bornyl Acetate
Essential mixtures with Valerian oil
Valerian essential oil does not combine so easily with other essential oils: a good combination of aromas can only be obtained when mixed with essential oils of lavender, white pine, cypress, Roman chamomile, petitgrain, myrtle, patchouli and rosewood.
Valerianna – a little history
Valerian is a perennial flowering plant with sweetly scented pink or white flowers, numerous roots and a characteristic smell. The name of the genus comes from the Latin verb valere, which means "to be strong, strong", and the common name "cat grass" is due to the fact that the smell of valerian leaves and roots is unusually attractive to cats.
Since ancient times, this is one of the magical plants that can show the way to the afterlife. The herb was called moonroot and elven herb because the water and moon elves danced around it on moonlit nights.
With a history stretching back as far as Ancient Greece and Rome, valerian root has been used against insomnia and as a medicine to relieve bouts of nervousness and anxiety. First Hippocrates described its medicinal properties, and the Greek doctors Dioscurides and Galen used the herb as an antidote to poison, while in the Middle Ages it was used to treat epilepsy, to heal trophic ulcers and to treat wounds in bedridden patients.
In Sweden, the plant was placed in wedding clothes to ward off people's envy. Other beliefs say that it was used to ward off misfortune and evil. However, the herb valerian became famous precisely for its effect on nervous disorders. Valerian was also used during the First and Second World Wars to treat mental disorders and nervous stress. It was used to flavor baths, to make soap and aromatic oils.
Helps with insomnia
One of the oldest and most studied benefits of valerian essential oil is its ability to help with insomnia and ensure healthy, restful, and restful sleep. The oil contains monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes with a sedative effect, which calm the reflex excitability in the central parts of the nervous system. If you want to calm the mind, promote good sleep and relaxation, put a few drops of valerian oil in an aroma diffuser at night before bed, or enjoy a relaxing bath by combining a few drops of valerian oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil and adding to the bath water.
Reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety
Everyday stress happens to all of us. Therefore, we must know how to oppose it. Valerian essential oil is a major relaxant in both aromatherapy and traditional medicine. And this is no accident, because the oil naturally improves the levels of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which weakens the hyperexcitability of brain cells. The same mechanism of action that takes care of healthy sleep also helps to reduce negative energy and toxins in the body that can cause anxiety and stress. In a state of great anxiety and nervous tension, drop 1-2 drops of valerian essential oil into your palms, rub your palms together, cover them around your nose and mouth and inhale the aroma or drop 1-2 drops on a piece of cloth, napkin or aroma jewel, hold hold it close to your face and inhale the scent.
Improves the activity of the cardiovascular system
The beneficial effect of valerian oil on the work of the entire cardiovascular system is due to its contribution to improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and activating the work of the heart. One of the most valuable uses of valerian oil is to normalize the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions and calm palpitations.
Relieves menopausal symptoms
According to studies, valerian essential oil can help relieve symptoms before or during menopause, which include hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. A clinical study evaluating the effect of its use on hot flashes showed that inhalation of valerian oil significantly reduced the frequency of hot flashes in women. In addition, valerian oil has an extremely good effect on the duration and quality of sleep. That is why it is the first choice for perimenopausal and menopausal women who experience sleep problems and suffer from insomnia. Adding the oil to a hot relaxing bath is an easy and effective method with remarkable effects on hot flashes and insomnia, and I strongly encourage you to try it. Mix 3-5 drops of valerian essential oil with an emulsifier and add to bath water.
Normalizes high blood pressure, especially provoked by stress
With its strong sedative effect on the nervous system, valerian oil can lower high blood pressure that results from a stressful situation. As you know, stress and anxiety are the most common factors that increase blood pressure values. On the other hand, valerian oil helps to regulate the activity of the muscular apparatus of the heart and to expand the coronary vessels, which further enhances its hypotensive effect.
A 2022 experiment evaluated the effective components and mechanism of action of valerian essential oil in a rat model of insomnia. The results showed that after treatment with valerian essential oil, the rats showed significantly increased sleep duration and relief from symptoms of tension and anxiety due to insomnia.
Another study published in Chemical Senses examined the effects of inhaling fragrances on sleep-wake states in rats. The scents that were studied were clove, jasmine, lavender, lemon, peppermint, pine, rose, sandalwood, valerian and ylang-ylang. The results showed that inhaling valerian and rose significantly prolonged sleep time, while inhaling lemon significantly shortened it. The effect of valerian inhalation is remarkable. The γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transaminase assay showed that inhalation of valerian reduced enzyme activity and increased GABA activity. The current study is the first medical report to suggest that inhaling valerian essential oil can improve sleep.
- Use for aromatherapy in the bath
- Use in a diffuser for positive emotional and mental effects
- Massage in combination with base oil for physical complaints
Basic applications
- Calms the nervous system
- Improves sleep quality
- Relieves neurotic headaches
Healing properties
- sedative
- anxiolytic
- soporific
- antispasmodic
- hypothetical
SAFETY TIP: Valerian essential oil is highly concentrated and should be used with extreme care! Please note that all information is provided for informational purposes and we always recommend prior consultation with a specialist, especially for use in childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you suffer from a chronic illness! Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, inner ear and other sensitive parts of the body! Keep away from children!
Sleep serum
Prepare your own blend of favorite fragrances to enjoy a restful sleep. Mix the ingredients in a glass bottle with a roll-on tip. Make up with fractionated coconut oil. Rub the mixture into your neck at night before going to bed.
Aroma blend "Tranquility"
Sometimes not only our mind needs to calm down before sleep, but also our body. A blend of essential oils "Calm" is a suitable addition to a warm, relaxing bath before bedtime, as it will relax your overworked muscles and help you calm down. Relax and let your senses relax.
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