Organic Lemon Savory Floral Water - 100% pure and natural


Organic Lemon Savory Floral Water - 100% pure and natural

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100% Organic Lemon Savory Floral Water (Satureja Montana Flower/ Leaf/ Stem Water)

Price: 8.90 €

The citrus-fresh scent from real lemon-savory floral water stimulates the skin and all the senses . The worldwide unique lemon-savory hydrosol has a high proportion of geraniol in the essential oil which it contains. This has a high anti-inflammatory effect, which helps particularly with chronic diseases such as psiorasis. In initial laboratory tests, geraniol, in conjunction with nerol, citrol and linalool, was able to block certain ion channels that play an essential role in the progression of inflammation.

Our pure floral water is ideal as a face or body toner, as a care product and remedy. When used as a toner for face, after-shave, hair or body lemon-savory hydrosol is highly caring and well-tolerated. The all-natural hydrosol has an antibacterial, balancing, calming effect, especially on dry, cracked skin, with pimples and blackheads, skin irritations, inflammations or small injuries and insect bites. The lemon and savory plant water is very refreshing and can be sprayed directly onto the skin.

• cleanses deeply, tones and refines the skin's appearance;
• protects the skin from harmful environmental influences;
• soothes sensitive, dry and cracked skin;
• makes hair easy to comb immediately;
• revitalizes tired skin and ensures a radiant, fresh complexion;
• cleanses and cares for small grazes;
• as a natural repellent it protects from insect bites;
• relieves the inflammatory reaction after insect bites or insect bites;
• helps fight bacteria and fungi;
• helps to withstand heat better;
• works against tiredness and exhaustion;
• balances nervousness, restlessness, stress and tension;
• helps with weather-related nausea;
• refreshes heavy, tired legs.

• face or body toner;
• hair lotion;
• on poultices and compresses;
• for your own natural cosmetics;
• natural repellent;
• for soothing poultices after insect bites;
• mouthwash for toothache and inflammation in the throat area.


  • author
    Елеонора — 

    Нежен натурален продукт с освежаващо и успокояващо раздразнената кожа действие

  • author
    Михаил — 

    С тези продукти се доближихме до природата!Действието на вашите води е страхотно!

  • author
    Росица Енева — 

    Страхотен репелент с комбинация с масло

  • author
    Боряна Драганова — 

    Като е пробваш те пренася в градината на баба!

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