Organic Thyme - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)


Organic Thyme - 100% pure and natural essential oil (5ml)

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100% Thyme Essential Oil

Price: 8.90 € 11.90 €

True Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a member of the family Lamiaceae and thus belongs to one of the most species-rich families of herbs and spices. From the Greek word “thymos” – strength and courage – originates the name of this wonderful healing plant, which was already used by the ancient Egyptians as herbal, spice and medicinal plant.

Thyme, which we harvest ourselves, contains first-class essential oil with high thymol content. The contained thymol is one of the biocides that destroys harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. In the respiratory tract, 100% pure natural, essential thyme oil (ct. Thymol) has great anti-slime and antispasmodic, antifungal, antibacterial and immune-enhancing benefits. The use of real thyme oil for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, for colds, bronchitis and whooping cough has been recognized by science because it can fight both bacteria and viruses. Pure thyme oil can also be successfully used because of its anticonvulsant properties in asthma .

Since natural thyme oil inhibits the multiplication of the pathogen significantly (Streptococcus pyrogenes and Streptococcus mutans), this valuable oil can be excellently used against inflammations in the mouth, inflammation of the tonsils and gingivitis . Genuine thyme oil has appetite-stimulating, sweat-reducing, digestive, strong circulation-promoting, antibacterial and anticonvulsant effects and can be used against complaints of the digestive tract. Thyme oil flushes more blood to stomach walls, stimulating the production of more gastric fluids and helps digesting hard-to-digest food more quickly.

Because essential thyme oil acts as a diuretic and dehydrating agent , it promotes flushing out of toxins, increases urinary frequency and helps remove excess water, salts and toxins from the body. This helps to reduce weight, lower blood pressure, reduce fats and improve digestion. And because it also has a stimulating effect, it activates the blood circulation and helps with rheumatic complaints: arthritis (joint inflammation) and gout. High-quality essential thyme oil significantly stimulates the formation of white blood cells and thus strengthens the immune system. Due to the increased number of white blood cells (leucocytes), which are an important part of our defense system, our body is able to protect against diseases a lot better.

Genuine thyme oil can also be used medically against foot and nail fungus as well to support prevention of fungal diseases. It has proven to be antiperspirant and has been successfully used against foot fungus. The antibacterial effect of thyme oil eliminates bacteria on our feet.

Psychologically pure natural thyme oil strengthens our self-confidence, is mentally stimulating when having depression, stress or mental fatigue. It gives strength in psychological lowlands, failures, defeats and is also considered an aphrodisiac.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.

  • Boosts vitality and stamina.
  • A preferred choice in skincare for oily skin type.
  • Cleanse your lungs, and keeps your lungs healthy.
  • Helps your immune system works better.
  • Reduces pain and discomfort in muscles.

Mental effects and applications

Nervousness, stress, depression

• Diffusion: 
Mix 3-5 drops of oil with a bit of water.

• Inhale directly: Add 1-2 drops directly in the lamp ring or container and inhale.

Physical effects and applications

Flus and colds, bronchitis and angina

• Inhalation: 
Mix 7-10 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of honey and put the mix into the hot water and stir the liquid. Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose / 3-4 times a day.

• Inhalation: For nasal congestion, try adding 1 drop of essential oil on a clean handkerchief and inhale the vapor.

• Breast massage: Add 5 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of sunflower oil. Ruband massage chest with it.

Arterial hypotension

• Bath: 
3-5 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (1/4 – 1/3 glass of milk, cream, serum). 20 minute bathing session.

Urological and vaginal fungal infections

• Diffusion: 
Mix 3-5 drops of oil with a bit of water.

• Bath: 3-5 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (1/4-1/3 glass of milk, cream, serum). 20 minute bathing session.

• Massage oil / Healing rub: Add 3-5 drops of essential oil to 5-10 ml of any base-oil.

Muscle pain and cramps

• Massage oil / Healing rub: 
Add 5 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of sunflower oil.

• Bath: 3-5 drops of oil are mixed with emulsifier (1/4 - 1/3 glass of milk, cream, serum). 20 minute bathing session.

• Massage oil / Healing rub: Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 10 drops of sesame oil and massage gently into affected areas.

Halitosis – or chronic bad breath

• Gargling: 
Add 1-2 drops of oil to a glass of warm water and gargle with the blend.

Loss of hair

• External application: 
Add 3-4 drops of oil to a Tbsp of shampoo and wash your hair with it.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.


  • author
    Daniel Koersgen — 

    Da wir oft erkältet sind, kommt dieses Öl sehr oft bei uns zum Einsatz. Wir geben es in den Tee, aber auch zum Einreiben und Inhalieren nutzen wir es. Thymian ist sehr wirkungsvoll bei Erkältung und dieses äthrische Öl somit ein Muss in jeder Hausapotheke.

  • author
    monsi — 

    atürlicher Geruch, sehr wirksam bei Huste

  • author
    Laura — 

    I m using it in my diffuser and it only needs few drops . You can feel the quality straight away compared to other cheaper ones.

  • author
    Amazon Customer — 

    Good quality

  • author
    Priscilla — 

    Just excellent!

  • author
    John Forest Barrett McQuade — 

    Nice strong scent, the dropper is handy

  • author
    J Núñez M — 

    It has an intense warm herbaceous odour. Multiple benefits. Essences Bulgaria is a responsible provider of top quality EO. I am so satisfied with this product

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Das Öl gefällt mir. Der Duft ist Thymian typisch, scheint eine sehr gute Qualität zu sein. Bin zufrieden.

  • author
    Val — 

    Absolutely amazing results! I finally found a natural way to fight the fungus on my nail and my Athlete's foot. I have been vaping for a couple of days now and it's already getting better. The smell is not very pleasant, but I know it works because it's burning on those parts. Thank you so much!

  • author
    Pamela Kohler — 

    Very good quality essential oil.

  • author
    Eve — 

    Never knew about this oil but the scent is extraordinary, the delivery was very quick. Full stars!

  • author
    Daniela S. — 

    Ich bestelle immer bei Doterra meine Öle. Das ist das beste was es gibt. Ich kannte diese bulgarische Firma nicht. Dieses Öl ist genau so gut wie Doterra und günstiger. Ich werde da weiter probieren. Tolles Produkt! Ich kann das weiter empfehlen!

  • author
    Holger Wilke — 

    In der kalten Jahreszeit steht dieses Öl bei mir immer griffbereit in der Küche, damit ich mir zwischendurch mal ein wohltuendes Dampfbad gönnen kann. Zwar lassen sich Erkältungen dadurch nicht komplett verhindern, aber seitdem ich dieses Öl benutze werde ich wesentlich schneller wieder gesund.Die Qualität des Öls ist hervorragend! Billig-Öle aus dem Drogeriemarkt können da einfach nicht mithalten.

  • author
    Daniel Koersgen — 

    Da wir oft erkältet sind, kommt dieses Öl sehr oft bei uns zum Einsatz. Wir geben es in den Tee, aber auch zum Einreiben und Inhalieren nutzen wir es. Thymian ist sehr wirkungsvoll bei Erkältung und dieses äthrische Öl somit ein Muss in jeder Hausapotheke.

  • author
    HMG — 

    Habe auf Anraten eines Freundes diverse ätherische Öle ausprobiert, darunter Thymian. Gerade in der kalten Jahreszeit sehr wohltuend bei Husten. Sehr empfehlenswert!

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