Organic Mountain Savory - 100% pure and natural essential oil


Organic Mountain Savory - 100% pure and natural essential oil

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100% Mountain Savory Essential Oil

Price: 11.90 €

The spicy essential oil from winter savory got newly revealed as very effective natural antibiotic with additional antiviral and antifungal properties. It even got tested in hospitals to fight multi-resistant germs. Essences Bulgaria offers best quality mountain savory oil , which can have very promising effects on people with gall bladder and liver issues. Furthermore it helps against digestion problems, fluctuations, diarrhea and inflammation of urinary tract as well as against all sorts of parasites (such as worms). Real Satureja montana oil is extremely effective against skin blemishes, inflammated skin and against insect bites . Moreover savory oil has warming effects on the physical body and increases libido . In combination with warmth its antimycotic compound becomes very effective and gets rid of pathogenic fungi. As it has very low molecular weight, mountain savory oil reaches deep into nails and skin and therefore fights all sorts of fungal infection related to nails and foot. On a mental level it brings back focus and concentration and helps specifically in periods of overhaul and fills you with positive energy. As it is a strong antiseptic it should not be used purely on the skin.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. During pregnancy consult your doctor before use. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.

  • Improves memory and focus.
  • Has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antivirus properties.
  • Improves digestion and alleviates stomach discomfort.
  • Has a warming effect on the body, and improves blood circulation.

Mental effects and applications

Supports your feeling of well–being, increases memory and concentration ability

• Diffusion: 
Mix 1-2 drops of oil with a bit of water.

Physical effects and applications

Insect bites

• Topical application: 
Apply 1 drop of essential oil over the affected area.

Fungal diseases (foot and nail mycosis)

• Topical application: 
Apply 1 drop of essential oil to the affected nail and spread evenly with the help of a cotton ball / several times a day.


• Topical application: 
Combine 1 drop of essential oil with 1 drop almond oil. Mix and apply to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball / several times a day.


• Inhalation: 
Mix 2 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of honey (1-2 tablespoons of sea salt) and add to hot water, steam inhalation for 10 minutes / 3-4 times a day.

Sore throat

• Massage Oil / Healing rub: 
Add 2 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of almond oil. Massage onto neck and chest. Apply a warm compress directly over your chest.

Stomach and intestinal spasms

• Massage Oil: 
Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 5-10 ml of base-oil like jojoba oil. With a gentle light pressure, massage your stomach using clockwise circular strokes.

• Healing rub: Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 20 drops of base-oil like olive oil.

WARNING Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution. Keep out of reach of children. During pregnancy consult your doctor before use. Do not apply to inner ear, eyes or other sensitive parts of your body.


  • author
    Elizabeth — 

    Very good oil. Great for the immune system.

  • author
    Mildred Rivera — 


  • author
    prime — 


  • author
    M.S. — 

    Schnell geliefert, ganz tolles Aroma, kann überhaupt nicht meckern.

  • author
    J Núñez M — 

    This EO helps to maintain your skin beautiful. Pure EO, very nice aroma!

  • author
    maya — 

    Great quality. I use it in a face oil that make and I’ve seen a difference in the texture of my skin!

  • author
    Victoria Whitaker — 

    Exactly what I needed

  • author
    Brenda Gaskins — 

    Absolutely love my mountain savory essential oil. It works great helping keep my inside dogs “cleaned” and my house smelling fresh! Love it!

  • author
    Anonym — 

    Typischer Bohnenkrautduft, den ich aus meiner Kindheit in Omas Garten so mochte :) Der Duft wirkt auf die Konzentrationsfähigkeit / -stärke aus, so dass ich es oft in die Duftlampe gebe - ich empfehle gemischt mit Minze, das ist erfrischend - vor allem am Morgen - hilft mir in den Start des Tages am Arbeitsplatz!Liebevolle Verpackung fällt sogleich auf. Ich bin begeistert und empfehle das Produkt sehr gerne weiter

  • author
    Jaspar A. — 

    Ein wunderbares ätherisches Öl - hergestellt von einem kleinen sympathischen Familienbetrieb, das den gesamten Prozess von der Pflanzung bis zur Destillation selbst verantwortet. Die Herstellung kann durch ihre Beiträge im Internet fast "live" mitverfolgt werden. Empfehle ich gerne weiter!

  • author
    Katharina G. — 

    Mein Nagelpilz ist innerhalb von 2 Wochen komplett weg! 5 Sterne!!! Bin total begeistert von der Qualität!

  • author
    Holger Wilke — 

    Ich kenne mich inzwischen gut mit ätherischen Ölen aus, aber dieses Öl kannte ich überhaupt nicht. Der Geruch ist zwar ziemlich intensiv, aber die Wirkung soll ja intensiv sein und das ist sie auf alle Fälle!Ich hatte immer wieder Fuß- und Nagelpilz, den ich früher konventionell behandelt hatte. Das hilft zwar kurzfristig, aber es kam immer wieder. Jetzt hatte ich wieder das gleiche Problem und hatte über Behandlungsmöglichkeiten mit diesem Öl gelesen und es über einen längeren Zeitraum auf den betroffenen

  • author
    Amazon Kunde — 

    Ich nutze das Öl schon länger zur Stärkung der Abwehrkräfte. Ich tue 1-2 Tropfen Öl auf 1 El Honig, funktioniert super!Mache ich regelmäßig seit ca. 9 Monaten und war seitdem nicht mehr erkältet.

  • author
    Slawka — 

    Perfect oil, quick delivery, highly recommended

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