The beautifully blooming clary sage is a perennial plant of the Mint family. The botanical sister of the sage (Salvia officinalis) has its flowers growing directly on the stems. The herb's tiny pink and light purple flowers are gathered in abundant inflorescences to capture the sun's rays and give off a wonderful musky, bittersweet aroma.
Clary sage decoctions and compresses were used as early as ancient Greece to calm warriors after fighting.
Winemakers learned early on to spice up their wine with clary sage flower petals to make the alcoholic effect even more euphoric. The flowers were omnipresent at the festivals of Dionysius - they saved from melancholy, boredom, silent apathy and helped to spark joy and euphoria without being addictive or belonging to the opiates.
Roman healers used the herb as a universal remedy - they understood that the fun and joyful people were less sick.
The Romans also called clary sage "sacred herb". In the past, clary sage helped priests go into a trance during religious rituals.
In small doses, the British used clary sage cocktails to calm the mind. The tea made from the seeds has been a very effective remedy for vision loss. Hence the name in English "Clary Sage", which literally means "clear vision".
The botanist N. Culpeper describes the medicinal herb as a miraculous relaxation and sedative. In 1577 the botanist I. Bock recommended Salvia Sclarea as a means to increase the female libido and to improve the fertility of women.
Sage's estrogenic properties determine its use in menopausal "hot flashes". It is used for emotional disorders, amenorrhea (lack of menstrual bleeding), premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation. This medicinal plant relieves nervous tension, heals depression and headaches. When applied topically, the extract has a positive effect on the scalp in the event of hair loss.
The scent of clary sage is a scent of freedom, joy and relaxation - a scent of the mind.