

Geranium macrorrhizum - also known as garden or wild geranium is a perennial plant from the geranium family. There are around 422 annual, biennial and perennial geranium species that grow in temperate climates as well as in the mountains of the tropics and the eastern Mediterranean. The flowers are arranged individually or in loose inflorescences on long stalks. They are painted in shades of blue, purple, pink and red. There are ten honey dust pots in each of them. The plant is very hairy and has an extremely rich aroma.

The Bulgarian name of this medicinal plant - Zdravets is no coincidence. The root of the word “zdrave” comes from "health", probably because the plant is a rich source of essential oils, polyphenolic compounds, tannins, catechins, vitamin C and antioxidants that have great health benefits.

It is widely used medicine in Bulgarian folk, as well as in folk traditions and customs as a symbol of health, longevity, strength and rejuvenation. Even its name is symbolically charged with the belief that it brings health and well-being. The girls gave their loved ones a bouquet of geraniums, the priests sprinkled geraniums on the miraculous holy water at weddings and baptisms and on major religious holidays.

The beautiful herb is connected to a legend that tells how in autumn, when the cranes flew south, one of them was separated from the flock, fell to the ground and froze to death. When he died he stared longingly into the vastness of the sky and a tear ran from his eyes. In many languages, the name geranium is derived from the word crane.

Years ago, researchers carried out the following experiments with geraniums: a liquid containing millions of staphylococcal bacteria dripped onto the leaf surface of the plant. Most of the bacteria died after three hours. The research deepened. The researchers put the geranium in a box. At a distance of 0.5 m from the leaves of the herb, place plates on which a solution of microbes has been dripped. After six hours next to the geranium, all microbes die. Studies show that geraniums release bactericidal substances into the air that kill germs. Therefore, the plant is increasingly used for the production of preparations with bactericidal properties.

The leaves and roots of the geranium are used in folk medicine for colds, stomach disorders, skin inflammation, liver and kidney diseases, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, malaria, toothache, rheumatism and to calm the nervous system.

Geranium is also used in traditional medicine to make medicines, as well as in cosmetics to make creams, conditioners, shampoos, and others.

The Bulgarian name of the medicinal herb already proves that it has been helping people for centuries and has therefore earned its place among the indispensable gifts of nature.

The real geranium has received the noblest name for the most valuable gift - health. It has a healing power that generations have believed in unconditionally.