

Sage - the herb of family happiness

Salvia (Salvia officinalis), best known as sage, is an herb of longevity, a sacred herb, a savior of life and a widespread herb that has small, bright purple flowers. The leaves are elongated, evergreen and hairy. The herb's name comes from the Latin "salveo", which literally means "health" or "healing". Sage is an herb that has been given enough power to cure many types of diseases.

"Why should a man die with sage growing in his garden?" - This is an old Arabic saying. In addition, the German nun and writer Hildegard von Bingen wrote: If sage grows in a person's garden, what can he die of, except that death cannot be conquered.

Its fame goes back to the ancient doctors Hippocrates and Dioscorides, who regarded sage as a sacred herb and prescribed it for infertility. After the epidemics and subsequent mass death in ancient Egypt, women were advised to drink sage to increase their fertility. To date, the herb has had great success in helping conception and childbirth.

Arab healers believed that sage provided immortality. Later the Europeans used the plant against black magic. In the 17th century, sage became a favorite drink in India and China.

There are myths about sage in Christian culture. According to those, while fleeing from King Herod's army, Joseph and the Virgin Mary hid the baby Jesus in a sage plant by the wayside illuminated by divine light, and from that moment the plant acquired healing properties.

Traditionally, sage is used to treat the digestive tract, respiratory tract, bronchitis, asthma, cough, angina, night sweats, insomnia, depression, fatigue and headaches. Today, sage is particularly recommended for inflammation of the tonsils, sore throat, purulent lesions of the teeth and inflammation of the throat and oral cavity.

Salvia officinalis is a powerful antioxidant with strong effects on inflammation and blood clotting. Sage infusion is good for burns, bites, skin diseases and gynecological diseases. The herb improves memory, which is why it is recommended for Alzheimer's and dementia.

As a spice, it is also often used in cooking or in salads.

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